By Barry Ferguson
The Democrat Party in the US has devolved into a satanic death cult of morons. They not only want to destroy themselves but the rest of us as well. Yes, it is a cult. Like all cults, members are controlled through fear and censorship. Mainly they share a psychotic fear of Donald Trump but they also fear liberty, truth, science, fact, and reality. They are morons as evidenced by their rejection of truth and fact. They don’t listen to actual experts but rather embrace ‘facts’ that are propagandized by those who stand to profit if such ‘facts’ were in fact true. As Mao said, “Better red than expert.” Quit thinking. Just parrot the cult’s narrative.
In fairness, the Republican Party has its share of fringe cult members as well. Yes, it’s the same cult. Cults don’t think. They parrot.
Let’s look at one issue - climate change - and analyze the cult’s thought process.
The Democrat cult, and other morons, hold fast to a belief that we are all going to die soon because human carbon emissions will make the Earth uninhabitable. They believe man and his CO2 gas emissions are warming the Earth to unlivable conditions. As with everything in the Democrat cult world, this of course requires some sort of government intervention to stave off our demise. This intervention will of course result in poor people getting screwed and a few rich people getting even richer. In the end, government intervention has never been good for mankind and it won’t be on this subject either.
But the question here is what is true.
Is the Earth’s climate warming? The former head of environmental group Greenpeace says ‘yes’ just a little but only from a 5,000 year low. And yes, the Earth’s climate has always been changing and it has been very cyclical even before man emitted the first carbon atom. And yes, cultists begin temperature calculations at the point where Earth’s surface was at its coldest ever. So, there data is of course skewed.
Are humans causing a climate disaster by using carbon emitting resources to improve living standards? Certainly humans have advanced their standards of living since the caveman days and sure humans have been burning stuff since fire was harnessed.
The people behind the ‘carbon dioxide is a toxic gas and a primary climate driver’ are the usual cacophony of cultists and morons. Where money is involved, truth becomes a victim. Let’s examine our resources for more information.
Two prominent supporters of CO2 driving global warming are John Kerry and Al Gore. They have both been predicting climate disasters for years with 100% accuracy. That is, not a single prediction of theirs has come true. Maybe these cult people are not experts?
John Kerry earned a degree in Political Science. That’s a study of politics. Al Gore has a Degree in Government. That’s a study cluster-f*ck. Neither gentlemen finished anywhere near the top of their class. Neither is a scientist. Neither knows anything about the atmosphere nor the variables that drive it. They do know how to lie to and manipulate people through fear to gain profits and control.
Let me introduce readers to two actual scientists who disagree with the CO2 driving temperatures argument.
Piers Corbyn earned a First class degree in Physics from Imperial College and an MSc in Astrophysics from Queen Mary College. He is an astrophysicist and Director of WeatherAction long range (months and years ahead) forecasts. He dismissed the whole argument. Mr. Corbyn’s research has led him to believe that there are many factors that drive the Earth’s climate with the two most important being the sun and the oceans. Here is a link to a great presentation written by Mr. Corbyn if readers would like to advance their knowledge:
Not surprisingly, Mr. Corbyn is also in the anti-vaccine camp.
Professor Richard Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers.
From 1972 to 1982, he served as the Gordon McKay Professor of Dynamic Meteorology at Harvard University. In 1983, he was appointed as the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Mr. Lindzen, unlike Kerry and Gore, has studied the atmosphere and concluded that CO2 has at best a minimal impact on climate.
Neither Mr. Lindzen nor Mr. Corbyn stand to make a dime should humans attempt to alter the atmosphere through carbon reduction or sun light reduction. Al Gore and John Kerry stand to make a lot of money by manipulating the atmosphere.
Naturally, an intelligent person would attack any issue with truth and science. While cultists are not necessarily stupid, they do tend to think and react emotionally and fearfully. Critical thinking is not a tool of the cult.
So, who should we believe - cultists who live in fear due to their belief in their cult leaders who stand to make great profits from such fear or scientists who live in truth and yet have no financial incentive to either side of the argument?
Sadly, Denmark has now overtaken the Ukraine as the world’s stupidest group of humans. Ukrainians have yet to realize that they are being exterminated to fulfill a Satanic blood sacrifice for the cult. And now Denmark passed a tax on methane release from cattle farms. I wrote an article on methane a few months back but it is worth repeating that methane makes up some 17/100,000 of one-percent of the atmosphere and it is a cyclical gas. It rises mostly from volcanic activity and natural swamps and bogs, stays atmospherically involved for about ten years, and then oxidized and falls back to Earth. Unless cattle herds are greatly increasing every year, which they are not, the methane released from cattle is a net zero. Yes, the leaders of Denmark are indeed retarded. What’s that? Oh yeah, Bill Gates stands to make hundreds of millions from some supplement he is selling these governments that is supposed to reduce the methane released by natural cattle digestion. And yes, that supplement is believed to be very bad for humans.
Cults make profits from human ignorance. Don’t let the demonic democrat death cult censor truth and fact.
Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2024
1970's - Another Ice Age in 10 years!
ReplyDelete1980's - Acid rain; all vegetation gone in 10 years!
1990's - Global warming; Ozone gone in 10 years!
2000's - Ice caps melt in 10 years!
2024 - None happened, but charlatan's Gore & Kerry got filthy rich!