Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Branch Covidian Cult Of Stupidity Is Killing America and Needs To Be Eradicated

by Barry Ferguson

Are ignorant people who whole-heartedly believe in all things ‘Covid-19’ members of a cult?

One definition of a ‘cult’ from the ‘A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.’


More to the point, a second definition is listed: ‘A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.’

Check and case closed. Clearly, the answer to my question is, “Yes.” The face mask is the insignia of the Branch Covidian Cult.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is a biostatistician and a world renowned epidemiologist. He helped the CDC to produce the VAERS system to report vaccine injuries and deaths. Twitter, youtube and all the communist anti-truth social media companies censor and delete Dr. Kulldorff’s posts concerning anything covid that runs counter to the Fauci narrative. Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA technology. He too is censored.

Bill Gates is a software developer who stands accused of stealing the code to develop Microsoft. Mr. Gates, a college dropout, has never been to med school and has never even taken a class in biology. Yet, Mr. Gates posts anything he wants on social media concerning covid. Moronish Hollywood actors post pro-vaccine Nazi propaganda and they are not censored.  

Why is one censored concerning covid and the other not? Why is Cher not censored and Dr. Malone is censored? This can be answered with the revelation that social media denies Donald Trump an account yet the same social media cultists embrace the Taliban and child molesters. Social media is part of the cult. Period. No discussion.

Clearly, we are experiencing a massive cult of stupidity these days.

All cults control their slaves through the same means:

Censorship of information
Shunning of non-cultists
Rejection of Science and Intelligence
Repeat Mantras
Brainwashed belief in their leader

All cults are religiously devoted to censorship of information. Every single cult censors information presented to cult members. Every single one. Truth is the enemy of cults.

How does one know if they are in a cult?

Censorship. If one embraces censorship, that person is a cultist. The american democrat/communist party is a cult. Period. There is no argument. Their counter part, the american republican party is simply too stupid and too corrupt to form anything other than a line to the bribery trough of lobbyists. See Mitch McConnell. Cults cannot survive where truth is shared.

What are other symptoms of a cult?

Socialism. All cults are socialists organizations. Jim Jones used to repeat ‘socialism, socialism, socialism’ to his cult members over and over. Individualism and personal liberties are forbidden. When a group of members threatened to jump the Jonestown cult ship, the cult leaders turned to murder and then mass suicide.  

Fear. All cults are controlled through fear. Members are told to fear the outside world. Jim Jones told his members not to venture outside of their compound or they would be killed. Mass murderer Anthony Foci constantly instills fear into his cult members with the announcement of a new covid ‘variant’ every month or so. Democrats instilled the fear of Donald Trump making America great again to their cult members.   

Shunning. All cults instruct members to cut contacts with non-cult people regardless of family or friendship. Shunning people outside the cult insures ignorance of dissenting thought that may be in fact the truth. Notice the Branch Covidian Cult keeps pushing to shun the non-vaxxed people. See Australia.

Rejection of Science and Intellect. Notice with that previously included second definition of a cult, the Covidian Cult members are slavishly loyal to their leader, Fauci, and they adamantly believe the only ‘cure’ for the flu is the experimental mRNA shot. They completely reject any other medical or scientific protocol, like Ivermectin, to treat those who are symptomatic of a respiratory ailment. They fear being wrong so badly they want to keep the rest of us from using anything that might cure the Fauci Flu. They are brainwashed with their shots and reject any person, no matter how qualified, who offers a different opinion based on science and intelligence.  

Complete Surrender. All cults require members to give up all possessions for the benefit of the cult. Again, democrats want all of us to give up our individual liberties, guns, money, and intellect to the Branch Covidian Cult. Mandatory shots, lockdowns, and shutting down businesses deemed ‘non-essential’ is part of their control strategy so all subjects worship the cult leader.

Mantras. All cults require members to repeat mantras that enforce the above. The ‘mask mandate’ has zero scientific basis yet the cult repeats this demand 24/7 as if it truly prohibited the transmission of any respiratory virus. Branch Covidian cult member Arnold Schwarzenegger exemplified this a few weeks ago when he spoke with Lt. Traitor Vindman. He was quoted admonishing people who refused the imbecilic notion of face masks. In his rant, he managed to repeat the cult mantra -  wear a mask, wash hands, social distance, get your shots, blah, blah. Anyone who disagrees with him is just a ‘schmuck’. I assume that Arnold is just waiting to announce his own ‘transition’.  

Brainwashed. All cults reject science. The Catholic Church ran the cult in the late 1400’s and when mathematician, scientist, and one of the smartest people to ever live, Copernicus, postulated that the Earth orbited around the Sun instead of the other way around, Copernicus was threatened with imprisonment and censorship. Ditto for Galileo, a physicist and ‘father of modern astronomy’,  a few decades later. Cults censor because actual science and truth prohibit control.

Ah, control. All cults seek total control over their members through brainwashing. The modern Branch Covidian Cult all believe the covid virus is going to jump on them and kill them at any moment. Have scientists told them so? No, but their cult leaders sure did. Now their cult leader tells them they will have to submit to another shot every few months. All cult members will obey.  

All cults control through fear, intimidation, and censorship. The result is cult members live in total ignorance and maintain a completely skewed version of reality. For instance, Branch Covidian Cult members believe an exponentially higher number of people have died and have been infected with Fauci’s bioweapon than actual statistics show. They also believe exponentially fewer people have been killed or maimed from this bioweapon shot than what reality has revealed. They say the ‘shot is safe’ despite the tens of thousands of deaths caused by the shot. These same cult members keep repeating that certain drugs like Ivermectin are only to be used in farm animals despite the fact that the completely, totally, and discredited FDA approved Ivermectin for human use in 1996. Additionally, cult leader and mass murderer Fauci spoke glowingly a few decades ago about the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating corona viruses. Cult members aren’t supposed to know such things. They are programmed to disavow science, knowledge, and intelligence.  

Just the other day, a group of cult ‘doctors’ walked off the job at a hospital in Florida because they did not want to treat non-vaxxed patients. First, they don’t treat covid patients anyway. They can’t ‘treat’ covid symptoms otherwise the vax, or the kill shot, cannot be used under the ‘emergency use authorization’ umbrella of the CDC. They wait until patients develop pneumonia and then they kill them for a $40k bounty from the government. Second, will these same doctors refuse to treat obese people? How about alcoholics? These doctors have embraced the hypocrite oath of the cult.

When Texas passed their post six week abortion ban, AG Garland immediately stated his Department of Injustice would not stand for this denial of health care. I wonder if he feels the same about doctors who refuse to treat flu patients due to ‘vaccination’ status?

Pathetically, a talking mouth piece of the cult broadcasting network known as CNN opined that non-cult members shouldn’t be allowed in the hospital. To which, the non-brainwashed would respond thusly. Thank you for proving the point. If the government agencies that run the cult would allow real doctors to prescribe real medicines like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, there would be no need for 90% of the people coming to the hospital to come.

Of course, Army general chief of staff, Four Star Traitor Milley said non-vaxxed US citizens should be (shunned) sent to Afghanistan. Well, at least there they could receive Ivermectin just like the Afghani refugees were given. Hypocrisy of cult members is infinitesimal. Imagine that. A person can receive treatment for covid in Afghanistan but not in America!

Of course, cult members are so brainwashed that they don’t know, or care, that their cult leaders are making money from the control of the cult. Yes, government agencies have ballooning budgets and paychecks thanks to the covid fear. And, cult leaders like mass murderer Fauci and his buddies all have financial stakes in the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture cult shots.

So, cults are dangerous. The Nazis were a cult and that cult is still with us as it flourishes in the halls of the US government. Liberal pundit and democrat mouth piece Keith Olbermann is a perfect example of a real life Nazi. Just listen to that demonic lunatic as he is not shy about espousing cult propaganda and hate. Listen to CDC cultist Carol Baker who said the US needs to ‘get rid of whites’ since they are generally vaccine resistant. She being a white woman, I wonder if her relatives bring along a food taster at Thanksgiving diner? Other cult leaders want to ‘make life difficult’ for non-cultists.

To be sure, the Branch Covidian Cult is responsible for the murder and death of tens of thousands of innocent, but ignorant, people. They are responsible for the destruction of many small businesses. They have ruined lives and split families. All they want is total control and domination over every aspect of every individual’s life.

See the pathetic country of Australia for covid tyranny. Once a great country, Australia is now a nation rendered insignificant to the rest of the world. The people are disarmed and dominated. At this point, if the entire continent were to sink into the ocean, no one would know for years. Maybe the sharks would be a little fatter for a while but no one should expect much from a society completely incarcerated mentally and physically. The US may soon follow.

What can be done to counter the cult?

It is important to remember that cults do not value human life. Cult members do not see the rest of us as human beings with a right to live our own lives as we see fit. We must conform. We must obey. We must submit. We are, after all, nothing more than animals.

We must see the danger in a cult running a nation’s government. Lying, racist, fraud, treasonous Taliban Joe Biden is a Branch Covidian Cult member who has been assigned the job of destroying whatever is left of the US after cultist Obama’s disastrous reign. We can see this cult mentality at work as racist Biden referred to one of his ‘advisors’, Cedrick Richmond, who happens to be black, as ‘boy’. Don’t feel bad, Cedrick. He refers to most of us as ‘terrorists’. We are just animals to the cult.

When cult members acquire power, they become dangerous to all of us. For instance, an antifa teacher in California just bragged about indoctrinating students to accept communism. The guy has a hammer and cycle tattoo on his chest and a picture of Mao in his classroom. I wonder if he taught his captive students that when Mao first came to power in China, crops began to fail. Mao, being a cultist who shunned intelligence, knowledge, and science, surmised that birds were responsible for crop failures because they were eating the seeds. He ordered citizens to kill all the birds they could. Cult members complied. Then they realized that bugs were in fact eating all the crops because there were no more birds to eat the bugs. Genius!

One disaster from Stalin’s Soviet Union cult occurred around the same 1960 time period. Nikita Khrushchev was now in power and thought it wise to grow cotton in the deserts of Russia. They needed water for the cotton plants so they ordered two large canals to be dug that drained the fourth largest lake in the world, the Aral Sea. That lake sported the largest port in all of Russia and was responsible for tens of thousands of jobs as well as 1/6th of the county’s fish. Nevermind intellect, the lake was drained and now the once largest port in all of Russia sits some hundred miles from water. All the jobs and businesses around the lake disappeared. Genius!

Since I brought up the stupidity of a cult, let’s explore the recent missive of the wicked late night bore Jimmy Kimmel. He said the ‘unvaxxed’ should be turned away from hospital admissions. Many in his cult concur. Since these animals are so stupid, we have to explain their thought process. Since the cultists believe hospitals are full of only non-vaxxed covid patients, would this not result in hospital layoffs and closures? Second, if the experimental shot prevents covid, why would the injected need to come to a hospital? Third, given that a large percentage of unvaxxed people are people of color, is this not racist? Fourth, this exemplifies the hatred spewing from cult members toward non-cult members. Fifth, if the cult hates non-cultists so badly and wishes death upon them, why then do they resist giving ‘horse dewormers’ (Ivermectin) or even rat poison to the people upon whom they wish death? I’m sure whatever network pays this pile of excrement is proud. I’m sure the viewers are proud that they can find humor in pure hatred. What a lovely cult they have!

Real education and knowledge will set you free, kiddies! Cult leaders are often idiots exhibiting mental illness. See racist Taliban Joe Biden.

Slavish and unthinking devotion to cult leaders make cults dangerous.

The totally despicable US Senator Mitt Romney recently stated, “Your liberty affects my health.” I would say to this smarmy politician, ‘Why does your health affect my liberty?’

A recent case in Ohio presented a man hospitalized with alleged covid. As the hospital attempted to kill the man with a respirator, as is their new duty and profit center, the man’s wife sued the hospital for the chance to treat the man with Ivermectin. A judge agreed and Ivermectin was prescribed. Then demonic forces challenged that judge and the ruling was reversed and the Ivermectin taken away. We must ask, why are judges and attorneys running our health care? Why are they deciding what medicines we take? Have they been to med school? Clearly we are experiencing a cult similar to the Jehovah’s Witness cult only with extreme hate.

We must accept reality. When cults seep into government, they should be recognized and destroyed. Leadership has to be destroyed. They cannot be rehabilitated. They cannot be reasoned with. The Branch Covidian Cult has declared war on the sane and non-brainwashed. We can no longer live in peace together. They will stop at nothing but total destruction of non-believers.

It is time for the non-believers to rise up. This is a war they did not ask for but must now fight. They must fight with the righteousness of Joshua and the fury of Andrew Jackson. They must realize that either they will be exterminated or they will become the exterminators. Wasn’t this what the Nuremberg Trials were all about? They may need to be revised as the Covid Trials. The sooner the better. Fauci himself has now been caught in a blatant lie before Congress concerning his department’s funding of the ‘gain of function’ of the covid virus. This felony should not go unpunished. The Covid Trials should start with Fauci. Now!!

Let me leave readers with some humor. Maybe the republicans in Congress will start the process of the Covid Trials. Yeah, that’s hilarious!!!  

Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2021