Friday, March 27, 2020

A New Country Needs A New National Anthem

by Barry Ferguson

Americans are a terrified people. They are terrified of everything except stupidity and ignorance. Americans now embrace stupidity and ignorance as their new identity. Fear is the new pass-time. Baseball and apple pie have been replaced.

Weak minded americans have been cowering underneath their beds in a fetal position gripping rolls of toilet paper because they have allowed the new regime authorities to scare the the populace into total surrender. True, a flu virus has already killed some 12,000 americans in the 2020 flu season. But wait, that’s not the fear that has terrified americans. The coronavirus is another flu stain and as of this writing has killed 941 americans. 941!!!!!! Run, americans, run!!! It takes a total collective idiocy to surrender liberties because of fear. People get sick and die every day or all kinds of ailments. People will continue to get sick and die under the new Nazi regime.

But Trump is the ‘President’. Or should we refer to him now as ‘fuhrer’? Nothing government ever does is temporary. It is always permanent. Post coronavirus, america will never be the same.

I don’t share my fellow americans’ acceptance of slavery at the hands of government bureaucrats.

To modernize the famous line from patriot Patrick Henry, ‘Give me liberty or let me die from a virus’. Let the terrified stay home. Let those of us with faith and courage carry on with our life and business.

Liberties vanished with the old America. Justice no longer exists. Fairness has been exterminated by a regime that picks winners and losers by arbitrarily determining which businesses can carry on and which that cannot. America surrendered not to a military power but to Nazis with a lust for absolute power using the weapon of fear.

America is gone. She made it for more than 200 years but stupidity, ignorance, and complacency was used against her to destroy her foundation. Americans are simply sissy panzies. They don’t deserve the blessing of liberty.  

Now she is gone. The Nazis are in charge. The ‘brown shirts’ are now garments made in China and worn by the american regime. Certain citizens are now being hunted as criminals as they try to work in businesses deemed by the Nazis to be ‘non-essential’. Seems to me that if working in a business that is ‘essential’ to making money and paying the bills for the owners and employees of that business, it is therefore essential.

Further, citizens are not allowed to be within a prescribed six-foot area of one another. How can anyone in the US be proud of this Nazi takeover? The left and the right are all the same. Government works for government and not the people. As ‘quid pro quo’ Joe Biden said to a would-be voter, “I don’t work for you.” No kidding?

Some of us have seen this coming for some time. This is not a surprise. So, if america is dead, why should the new regime use the old symbols? Fold up that old red, white, and blue striped flag with stars on it. Ditch that silly song that was the anthem for america. The anthem and flag belong to a country that none of us will ever enjoy again.

So, it is time for a new flag. I would suggest a simple plain white flag. That best represents this new pathetic country. I also suggest that it should be made of toilet paper.

As for the new anthem, the old one should remain with a once proud nation. That line of ‘Land of the free and home of the brave’ renders that anthem completely ridiculous now. I would suggest a song written in the late 60’s by the musical and lyrical genius Rory Gallagher titled, ‘Blister on the Moon’. I believe these lyrics better reflect the new Nazi-america. The following are the lyrics:

Everyone is saying what to do and what to think
And when to ask permission when you feel you want to blink
First look left and then look right and now look straight ahead
Make sure and take a warning of every word we've said
Now you lay you down to sleep make sure and get some rest
Tomorrow is another day and you must pass the test
Don't try and think too different now what we say is best
Listen little man you're no better than the rest
Don't lay beside the wayside all around the road we've set
Smile and look happy fool or we'll throw you in the wet
Now if you learn your lesson well and step upon the line
Save your breath until forever we should get along just fine
We'll bend your heart until it breaks make sure you feel no pain
We'll be the one to crush you and give you to the rain
But now you want to run away oh can I see you run
Run across the frozen air try resting on the sun
And if you feel it burn you don't yell out in pain
Or wish you had a velvet sponge full of soothing rain
So let's have that stiff upper lip now take a long deep breath
Close your ears you cannot hear the rules are all pre-set
You thought we were illusions but we meant the word we said
We're in command, you tiny fly, we'll crush you till you're dead

Readers can view the lyrics and listen to the song so they can sing along next time the sheep go to their favorite sporting events at

When all you sheep get tired of the Nazis running your life, give me a call. I will be most happy to lead the revolution back to liberty and freedom. Let fire and fury rain on the new Nazi-america!

Copyright 2020 BMF Investments.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Government Tried To Ban Potential Coronavirus Cure

by Barry Ferguson

The Coronavirus Influenza is currently working its way around the world. Who knows what the real infection rate is or what the real mortality rate is. Governments compile data and media disburses data. Governments are wicked and 100% corrupt 100% of the time and the media are democrat puppets. We will never know truth from either of them.

Covid-19 is the current strand of a family of corona virus infections we call the ‘flu’. Most likely it is man-made (bio-engineered) and it has a purpose. I suspect this to be true as governments would not react as they have if Covid-19 was just ‘another flu’. From what I read, the virus is funded with Bill Gates money, produced at Yale, and released by the Chinese in China. It looks to be ‘Agenda 21’ inspired. It is certainly a nasty illness and I am not one to minimize any health affliction. It takes a true democrat to wish health problems on others. However, I deal in truth.

Let’s make sure we are all understanding the true situation.

First, the CDC claims that tens of thousands of americans die from the ‘flu’ every year. Okay, there are many viruses that mimic flu-like symptoms and the CDC lumps them all together. Also, the CDC includes pneumonia in the flu statistics. In actuality, the ‘flu’ virus kills from a few hundred to a few thousand americans each year. Pneumonia many times that.

Second, statistics from actual US death certificates list ‘flu’ as the cause of death on a few hundred deceased people each year. The CDC lies so they can sell flu vaccines for big Pharma. The CDC is a US gooberment bureaucracy. Ergo, it is corrupt.

Third, Civid-19 and all the other influenza viruses are with us in our air all the time all year. Our immune system is our best defense. It relies on Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and all other compounds in our diet and use that boost the efficiency of that immune system. Many beneficial compounds are derived from plants and that includes CBDs from the cannabis plant. God has given our bodies the immune system defense. He has also given us the plants to use for that defense.

Big Pharma certainly pays the government whores big money to ban and suppress these plants because neither Pharma nor government give a schiff about our health. Big Pharma makes money on disease and chronic bad health. Governments find sick people more apt to submit to servitude. What a delightful team they make! 

Fourth, there appears to be a natural cure for all coronaviruses but it will be impeded by evil governments and morons within those governments. Hint - it is a plant that the US gooberment has tried, and continues to try, to ban from our use.

The plant is mitragyna speciosa.

Readers may have read stories detailing an old drug used for malaria that has seemingly cured patients suffering from the coronavirus illness. The compound in the drug is chloroquine, or Cq. So how do we get it?

Don’t listen to me. Listen to a doctor. Dr. Thamrin Usman, a professor of chemistry at Tanjungpura University in Indonesia, recently spoke about a lot of plant compounds that can strengthen the immune system and ward off coronavirus. One of the plants is mitragyna speciosa. It is commonly referred to as kratom. In most US states that aren’t perpetually terrified of everything except ignorance, kratom can be legally purchased mostly at smoke shops. I know. I own one. 

According to Dr. Usman, this plant contains a special compound known as chloroquine, or Cq. Reference the above paragraphs again. Tada!

Mitragyna speciosa is a shrub and it is a member of the coffee family. It can be consumed in liquid form, capsule form, or the dried leaves can be dissolved in a warm tea. But why do governments want to keep this cure out of our hands? One could also ask why are governments always so stupid and evil? One should ask why the governed give their consent to stupid and evil governments? Educate yourself and you might withdraw your consent. Ah-ha! Now we know why the US education system has been turned over to demonic indoctrinators.

But lets explore chloroquine and kratom. Chloroquine at the moment appears to be a link in the coronavirus fight. If true, why does gooberment seek to ban it? Worse, hardly anyone knows about kratom so the lying government can’t pretend there is an ‘epidemic of children’ using the herb. But now readers know truth.  

Simply, governments work with big Pharma to sell us drugs to keep the ‘John - Whore’ relationship going. Why sell an old, cheap drug for very little profit when they can create a panic and sell a new, more expensive drug? Did you think these people actually care about your health? Governmental agencies are nothing but whores and big Pharma is just another ‘John’. Big Pharma doesn’t make any money from kratom so it must be banned! That is the only conclusion I can draw given the evidence. 

It all makes sense if you know a little bit about kratom and you remember the timeline.

As we all know, governments generally eventually degenerate to a point where they impose tyranny upon the populous. What is a great way to control people? Scared people are controllable people. Sick people are controllable people. About a year or so ago, the US government was actively trying to ban kratom from use by adults. It is currently banned I believe in 16 or so imbecilic countries. Why?

Kratom acts like an opioid in the body and that cuts into big Pharma business.

But, kratom does not seem to affect the portion of the brain that responds to addiction. I use kratom myself from time to time for aches, pains of aging, and general well-being. I find the biggest problem with kratom is I forget to take a dose. The plant clearly has beneficial compounds that improve our health. So why does government even care if we have access to kratom leaves?

One, various government agencies have attempted to prohibit kratom. The corrupt FDA has yet to figure out how to extort money from the kratom trade. Law enforcement enjoys the illegality of almost everything because after the Bush-Obama termination of the Fourth Amendment, and a feckless schiff-for-brains congress abdicated their responsibility and oath of office, law enforcement has a license to steal from citizens through ‘search and seizure’ operations due to the alleged presence of ‘illegal substances’.

Two, supposed health related agencies like the CDC, the FDA, the DEA, and others lie about the effects of kratom. While no one has ever died from kratom use that I know of, the government makes up lies about people dying form kratom ‘overdoses’ including one person who came to the hospital with a gun shot wound. Others were heroin users and so on. Kratom users know it is nearly impossible to overdose because too much kratom in the stomach induces vomiting. Kratom must get to the lower intestine to be absorbed in the body.

Three, many of us know people whose lives were damaged by doctor prescribed and FDA approved opioids that led to addiction and complete non-productivity. Kratom has helped them eliminate the addiction to heroin and doctor opioids so they could return to a productive life.

Four, of course, anything in america that reduces the need for big Pharma is forbidden. Big Pharma can’t control kratom itself but they can and do control congress. Pharma spends more money lobbying congress than any other industry. As we know, the US government is nothing but a brothel where the worst whores on the planet work. They wait for the ‘Johns’ to direct them in return of payment. See Hillary Clinton or Charles Schumer for example. Check out for all the bribery. 

Think I’m harsh? A Qatari official recently stated, “The best thing money can buy is American officials, because they are the cheapest of the cheapest-costing officials in the world.”

Yes, the entire world knows what the american government is all about. It is a brothel of the worst kind. And no, we are not allowed to participate.

So, the government tried to ban it. There was such and outcry form kratom users who gave testimony of kratom’s benefits that the wicked arms of the US government - the FBI, DEA, HHS, and FDA - backed off at least temporarily. Then they turned to the country of Indonesia where much of the plant is grown. The US government put pressure on the Indonesian government to not only stop selling kratom, or the mitragyna species shrub, but to eradicate the shrub from their country. They wanted to ‘agent orange’ the kratom crops. Thank God the Indonesian government held up a middle finger to Washington and refused.

And now the Covid-19 virus is released. Kratom might be the cure.

Why again did the US try so hard to ban kratom? Did the government know that Covid-19 was a bio-engineered weapon and it was scheduled to be released at a time to either make President Trump look bad or to facilitate the next advance of the new world order of total fascism? Has this been the plan?

The government wants to frighten the populous with a ‘pandemic’ scare so the populous accepts martial law? Will the US government now ban the Constitution and impose tyranny?

If we the people have the cure for the virus transmission, will that not put a wrench in the plans for the new world order? Why else would the US government attempt to eradicate this plant and keep it from our use? Most likely, the government knows the truth about kratom. They must obscure that truth from the american public.   

How evil is government? House Majority Whip James Clyburn told his colleagues the (March, 2020 coronavirus) bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” So the communist party has been lying in wait for an ‘opportunity’ to install communist ideology into whatever one wants to call the american system today. These democrats are feeding off of dead bodies. Maggots feed on dead bodies too.

So, it should be clear. If the US government wants to keep us from using something, it must therefore be good for us. If the US government wants to sell us something like pharmaceuticals, it must not be good for us. If the US government wants to give us something, that something always turns into a slave shackle.

Copyright BMF Investments 2020