Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Western Leaders Have Officially Embodied The Black Knight From Monty Python’s Holy Grail

 By Barry Ferguson


Surely everyone of intelligence has seen the movie and can therefore appreciate the analogy. Here’s a link to one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmInkxbvlCs

In Monty Python’s ‘Holy Grail’ movie, King Arthur of Briton is on a quest to find the Holy Grail. He encounters a Black Knight who forbids passage across a narrow bridge. The two engage in a sword fight in which Arthur severs the Knight’s left arm at the shoulder. As blood spews out, the Knight minimizes the damage by proclaiming, “’Tis but a scratch!” Arthur tells the Knight that his arm is gone and now lying on the ground. The Knight denies the reality. 

The sword fight continues. Arthur severs the Knight’s right arm at the shoulder. Blood spews forth. Arthur now assumes the fight is over. Again, the Knight ignores reality and exclaims, “It’s just a flesh wound!” Arthur points out the fact that the Knight no longer has arms. The Knight says, “I’ve had worse!”

The Knight proceeds to kick at Arthur until the Knight’s legs are severed leaving the now immobilized Knight with nothing but a torso. Arthur now realizes the Knight is a ‘loon’ and walks on by across the bridge. The Knight again exposes his derangement as he says, “Alright - we’ll call it a draw!”

This is now the reality for almost all western leaders. They are the embodiment of the Black Knight in that they live in some fantasy world in which facts and truths are forbidden, ignored, and demonized.   

Let’s look at some of the complete insanity coming from our leaders.

James Comey speaking of Mr. Trump: "He is a threat to the rule of law in America.” This coming from a man who corrupted the rule of law as FBI chief with all the ‘Russian collusion’ lies of the 2020 election. This is a man that denied Hunter Biden’s laptop was real or even existed. 10 of the twelve agents who reviewed the laptop committed suicide because of the heinousness of crimes and moral depravity contained on that laptop. Mr. Comey goes on to lament that if Mr. Trump were to be reelected, he may choose to use the power of the DOJ and the FBI to target his enemies. ’Tis but a scratch!’

In the short snippet, Scottish President Yousaf (having now resigned) laments that “Most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by people who are white. Almost every trade union in this country (is) headed by people who are white. In the Scottish Government, every director general is white. Every chair of every public body is white.”

Now, I’ve never been to Scotland but I know a little about geography and populations. If I went to Scotland I would expect to see a whole bunch of pasty white people. If I went to Kenya, I would expect to see a whole bunch of very dark skinned Africans. If I went to Japan, I would expect to see a whole bunch of Asians. Of course leadership reflects the populace. ‘It’s just a flesh wound.’ 

SOS Blinken, who is a complete loon, said of elections: “We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere. And we want to make sure that’s cut off as quickly as possible.” Of course these lunatics deny all attempts on the part of democrats to corrupt the election despite clear evidence of such corruption. Upon seeing their own arm on the ground, ‘No it isn’t’. 

3/19/24: Didn’t Earn It SCOTUS Justice Jackson: “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways, in the most important time periods.” God bless James Madison. The man was a genius. Justice Jackson is a moron. Amendment One is a major impediment to a totalitarian state. 

3/20/24: German moron president Scholz: “We will not accept a dictated peace at the expense of Ukraine.” What? Russia has dominated against the US proxy war in Ukraine and continues to eat up territory to stop the savage attack and terroristic activities against their Motherland. President Putin has specifically stated, ‘a world without Russia is not worth living.’ Russia has now developed the best military in the world and has thousands of nuclear warheads. They will not lose this battle. Germany, in the name of climate change and every other left talking point has rendered the country as insignificant to the world, has no say in the outcome. Russia is totally in charge. If peace ever comes, Russia will set terms and no one else. ‘Alright. We’ll call it a draw.’ 

3/27/24: Biden calls Putin a ‘butcher’. This after Biden has encouraged the Ukraine to continue attacking and killing Russian troops, Russian citizens, and even Ukraine citizens who would rather be just left alone. Biden’s handler Obama started the whole war with the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Perhaps a million soldiers and citizens have now been slaughtered by the Biden regime. Meanwhile, President Putin has been very careful to limit military activity to keep the casualties down. Who again is the ‘butcher’?

OBiden likes to push the race war as he celebrated the ridiculous Juneteenth day or whatever it is. He stands with the black folks in opposition to ‘white supremacy’. Really? Isn’t OBiden trying to get rid of our cattle to reduce the ridiculous argument over man-made climate change? Just a little research tells us that of all the black majority owned farms in the US, 50% of those farms are cattle farms. Why isn’t Biden a ‘white supremacist’? Why is he trying to destroy the black farmer? 3 reasons. One, he wants to finish the job Obama started by reducing the number of black owned farms. Two, farming provides self sufficiency for anyone that farms. He does not want black people to live outside government control. He wants them as government slaves dependent upon government subsistence. Three, Biden is another globalist idiot who want to control the food supply as a means of enslavement. 

OBiden recently announced to President Putin that the US would not ‘back down’ from war in Ukraine. Really? Back down from what? Biden’s war is killing mostly Ukrainian soldiers. Biden is a coward hiding behind foreign deaths as he has no blood in the game. Will things change when American troops hit the battlefield and begin coming back home in body bags? Biden is like the coward yelling at an adversary while standing behind a locked door. Why doesn’t he just roll up his sleeves and wage total war? After all, he said he would like to take Mr. Trump behind the gym and beat him up. Yeah, right. 

We could of course go on and on concerning the obvious insanity of western leaders. Covid was and is a bio-weapon. I knew it from the very start. People ask, ‘how did you know’. Because I think before I follow. The Ukraine war was started to cover up the west’s child trafficking, organ harvesting, and money laundering in that country of which has made Obama and Biden rich men in terms of money. However, their souls belong to Satan and with him they shall spend eternity. The democratic party and most of the republican party will be right there with them.

Finally, research is now providing insights into how insane leftists are and how much they truly embody the Black Knight and his complete delusion. Leftists think police kill thousands of unarmed black men every year. The true number is less than thirty. Leftists think we should all let big Pharma inject us at will for everything including ailments which their own people like the demonic Fauci conjure up. Leftists think a free and democratic society should only be run by people who think like them and the rest of us should be relegated to some sort of caste system. Leftists believe in climate change yet not one of them know anything about the atmosphere or astrophysics. Yet, they want to dictate to the rest of us what products we use based on their insanity. And ending with the most insane bunch of idiots on the face of the earth, Californians, their politicians mandated $20 p/hr wages to restaurant workers. Well, except for the governors own restaurants which were given exemptions. Now many of those jobs and businesses have disappeared because no business can pay that much money to have someone put a sandwich together and still make a profit. And, we all know that legitimate immigrates come to the US for a better life and many of them start restaurants. I think of all the Mexican restaurants in my area and they are all run by latinos. How does California invite in all illegal immigrants and expect them to take care of themselves by starting a business doing what they know how to do which is cook and run a restaurant? Unless, they really just want slaves and not autonomous people. Will America ever wake up?

Okay, one last thing. The left state of Colorado just announced that legal cannabis sales are down this year by several hundred million dollars thus reducing expected tax revenue. Come on people! I knew guys in middle school that figured out how to make profits selling weed. It is now time to make a stand. We have to be honest. Western government is stupid, corrupt, incompetent, worthless, insane, self-idolizing, disgusting, vile, putrid, and should be wiped from the face of the earth. We should all wish President Putin Godspeed. He may be the only intelligent, sane leader in the world. All of our leaders are the Black Knight. They are completely insane! The path forward of over that narrow bridge guarded by the delusional Black Knight. The quicker we slay him, the quicker we will experience liberty.  

Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 

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