Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A Civic Lesson From NASCAR Fans

Barry Ferguson


Recently a NASCAR driver made the mistake of one, voicing his own opinion, and two, opining about the sanctified career criminal George Floyd who is worshipped by the left death cult.

The driver ‘liked’ a meme depicting Floyd as a crab and a reference to Mr. Floyd being ‘under a knee’. 

The driver was indefinitely suspended by the left goons that now run NASCAR. Apparently they were tipped off on the dastardly act of having an individual opinion by a reporter by the name of Daniel McFadin.

Mr. McFadin ‘liked’ and then shared a tweet from another leftard who characterized NASCAR drivers and fans as ‘toothless hicks’. I’m sure this is partly the bigotry asserted toward racing fans in general but in particular this bigotry is also cast toward NASCAR fans because NASCAR was born and developed in the US South and most fans are white. Bigots hate southerners. Back at you, bigots!

But, I thank Mr. McFadin for presenting us with a civics lesson from America’s left ventricle. It is thus.

First, NASCAR racing was built into a multi-billion dollar organization by these ‘toothless hicks’. Real racing fans are those guys who spend every waking hour turning wrenches, getting greasy, all while trying to figure out how to make a car go faster. Then every single Sunday they show up at the tracks wherever the latest race is held. 

I grew up and still live in the shadows of one of the greatest race tracks in the entire world - The Charlotte Motor Speedway. The King, Richard Petty, always referred to the Charlotte race as ‘The World 600’. Fans used to be famous for bringing in coolers of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and dining on chicken wings as they used the bones to throw at the track. That’s racing.  

Second, I am quite sure that none of the fans ever invited a stuffed shirt pious bigot like Mr. McFadin to a race. None of them cared about what the rest of the world thought about them. Yet, NASCAR became one of the biggest sports in the world. The real racing fans never looked down their nose at anyone. 

However, if Mr. McFadin had purchased a ticket to watch the race, he could have gone right into the grandstand and sat right beside a ‘toothless hick’ and there wouldn’t have been a cross word exchanged. The ‘hicks’ would likely have offered their new friend a beer and wing to throw. And, when Mr. McFadin drives home from the track, he should remember that most innovations to his fancy car like disc brakes, high performance tires, air intakes, spoilers/wings, and body aerodynamics were invented by ‘toothless hicks’. As Mr. McFadin leaves the track and looks back at the track, ‘yes’ the rear view mirror was also invented by ‘toothless hicks’.  

Now things have changed. NASCAR is woker than Bud Light. The owners of NASCAR are committed to turning that sport into some gay, transgender worshipping, leftism cult center in which everything is viewed through the bigoted lens of racism. Now, NASCAR wants to banish the ‘toothless hicks’ from the sport of which they built. 

That’s what we should all gleam from this civics lesson. 

The ‘toothless hicks’ don’t care if the stuffed shirt virtuous jerks like Mr. McFadin come to the race track. 

However, the virtuous stuffed shirts don’t want the ‘toothless hicks’ anywhere near them or the sport which they are now trying to kill with woke-ism.  

The left has turned America into a land of hatred and complete intolerance to one another. 

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