Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Those Who ‘Stand with Ukraine’ Should Know What They Support

by Barry Ferguson


With the US currently waging war against Russia in the Ukraine, it seems popular these days to parrot the government approved narrative. That is, ‘I stand with Ukraine’. Leftist idiots parrot this almost daily. See Nancy Pelosi. It just seems weird that the left now agrees with the extreme right war-mongers like Senator Lindsey Graham that perpetual US wars are a good thing. Neither the left nor the right have a monopoly on stupid.

It seems to me that most Americans are so stupid they think the Ukraine is a large piece of construction equipment used to build tall buildings. There was a poll out a few weeks ago that stated that two-thirds of Americans could not find Ukraine on a map. Yet, the puppets that support the illegitimate US regime currently occupying the government bureaucracy through the power of a coup vociferously pledge allegiance to the war effort in Ukraine. 

I thought it might be helpful to list exactly what supporting Ukraine entails.

If one ‘Stands with Ukraine’, they therefore support the following:

A regime that came to power courtesy of a coup d’état. No ‘democracy’. No ‘republic’. No form of ‘representative government’. 

A regime through rhetoric, legislation, and subjugation imposed by militarized government agencies has all but outlawed political dissent.

A regime that sanctions murder of its own citizens.

A regime that as a matter of policy conducts biological weapons experimentation routinely on its own citizens.

A regime that manufactures bioweapons expressly in violation of the Bioweapons Treaty of 1972.

A regime that routinely violates the Geneva Convention in treatment of battlefield captives.  

A regime that routinely commits crimes against humanity.

A regime that routinely traffics humans and particularly children.

A regime that routinely tortures captured enemy combatants.

A regime that routinely holds citizens in prison without legal representation, a trial, or any treatment of human decency simply because the totalitarian regime does not tolerate actions nor ideas deemed outside the regime’s prescribed opinions.

A regime that does not allow free speech. 

A regime that does not allow protests against the regimes actions. 

A regime that does not allow citizens to participate in free and fair elections.

A regime that supports Nazis and Nazi philosophies of oppressing the opposition. 

A regime that routinely uses citizens as human shields in battle.

A regime that is ranked as one of the most corrupt regimes on Earth.

A regime that is a money laundering epicenter.

A regime built on a foundation of outlandish lies.

A regime that serves as an epicenter of criminal activity for elite politicians like the Biden Crime Family, the Clinton Crime Family, the Pelosi Crime Family, and so on. 

Oh, wait a minute. I must have mixed up the Ukraine and the United States. Uh, well, uh, well… there is no difference between the two.

Isn’t it funny that the entertainment industry has gotten behind the perpetual war in Iraq - Syria - Afghanistan - Ukraine? Purveyors of tripe like Paul Hewson (U2’s ‘Bozo’, uh, I mean ‘Bono’) and Sean Penn dance like marionettes to demonstrate allegiance to the deep state. A Star Wars actor has sent drones to the Ukraine that will no doubt be used to murder citizens who might be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The entertainment industry metastasized into a demonic hate cult. No wonder they support a demonic hate cult government. 

This is not to infer that Russia and President Putin are panaceas of liberty and integrity. They are clearly not. Neither is the Ukraine. It just seems that people would at least attempt to educate themselves on issues before becoming government stooges. But what would one expect from a nation that according to recent polls still show a 40% approval rating of President Joebama? As the population becomes more ignorant, they become more insane. 

The bottom line is this. Wars are good for banks who lend the money. The US government is now $31,000,000,000,000 (as in ‘trillions’) in debt. The supply chain has been purposely destroyed except for weapons manufacturers. Baby formula is short in the US but not missiles and bombs. Come to think of it, intelligence is very short in the US but not idiocy! 

By contrast, the US is currently bracing for shortages in everything including food. The coup regime has been busy blowing up food processing plants while strangling the nation’s farmers by artificially contracting fertilizer supplies. Meanwhile, Russia just reported a record grain harvest. Oh, Russia also said that Crimea just had a record harvest of wheat. Who is the real enemy of the people? 

One last thing. Russia banned GMO crops. Now you know why they are the ‘enemy’!

Stand with Ukraine. Show your ignorance! 


Copyright BMF Investments, Inc, 2022

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