Friday, February 18, 2022

Canadian Truckers Forgot To Bring Two Items - A Rope And A Stool

by Barry Ferguson

From the

Democracy: ‘The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.’

Socialism: ’The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism.’

Tyranny: ‘Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.’

Fascism: ‘A totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism, militarism, and often racism.’

Do readers recognize their government in the above definitions?

I like to begin with definitions so we all start from the same connotations.

Everyone likes to throw the term ‘democracy’ into every political statement nowadays to make the listener or reader think the person making a statement actually cares about equality and individual liberty. Political closet tyrants like Pelosi use the term in nearly every sentence. Of course the woman knows that her supporters are completely brain-dead idiots that would agree with her if she said wearing stripes and plaids together looks great.

We hear politicians around the globe using the ‘democracy’ term just as frequently. Tyrants Trudeau, Morrison, Biden, and Arden pretend they represent democracies but none of them read articles like this so they have no clue as to definitions.

One thing is for sure. Democracies are for idiots. The founding fathers of the US knew this and therefore blessed the world with a Constitutional Republic composed of representatives of the people who vote for said representatives.

Writer H.L Mencken once said: ‘Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.’

Mencken also said that all democracies fail because, ‘On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.’

No arguments here. When a man is right, he is right!

To expand, it seems that every form of government is eventually led by a moron. Maybe that’s because the average citizen likes other humans who are as stupid as they are. Humans are perhaps incapable of just governance due to the demonic flaw inherent in the species in that humans lust for power over other humans.

Take the Tyrant of Canada, Justin Trudeau. In shilling for the NWO, while also lining his personal pockets from ‘vaccine’ profits, Mr. Trudeau ratcheted up his COVID scamdemic power grab opportunity by imposing gene therapy shot mandates for all truckers entering or leaving his socialism/communism country of Canada. After two years of fear porn driven suppression of liberty, the truckers have had enough. They rebelled with a massive blockade in Mr. Trudeau’s capital Ottawa, Ontario.

Mr. Trudeau responded by saying these protests were from the ‘fringe of society with unacceptable views’. The truckers, and their protests, will not be tolerated. Spoken like a true dictator with zero tolerance for democracy or individual liberty.

As of this writing, the truckers are still there and they are at the moment defiant in their demands that shot mandates be rescinded. Mr. Trudeau is just as defiant in that he refuses to speak to the truckers or listen to their demands. The Canadian tyrant is threatening to use military force to remove them as he has given himself dictatorial powers. Who could have seen that coming? Refer to the definition above defining socialism as a step from democracy to communism. Thank you Mr. Trudeau for demonstrating and affirming the accuracy of this definition in action.

Of course, Mr. Trudeau is like all politicians. Yeah, sure he is evil and stupid but the hypocrisy and arrogance are extraordinary. If BLM were marching through Canada burning every city to the ground Mr. Trudeau would have no issue with that. If LGBT weirdos were protesting, Mr. Trudeau would have no issue with that. If communists were marching through the streets, Mr. Trudeau would have no problem with that. But when truckers protest government intrusion into their own personal health care, well then, by all means - call in the military to disburse them and arrest them! Well, only the white protestors. All others are exempted. Thank you again Fuhrer Trudeau for exemplifying the ‘rascism’ in the definition of fascism. I wonder if the idiots in Canada now understand what form of government they have?

Mr. Trudeau has called in his storm troopers. He has ordered banks to freeze assets of the truckers. Again, only the white ones. He has impounded the truckers’ diesel. He has ordered arrests for anyone feeding the truckers. He stopped Mike Lindell from delivering pillows to them. And, he has expressed his displeasure of the truckers honking their horns. Trudeau stamped his feet and demanded the truckers refrain from honking their horns. Maybe all that noise was interfering in Mr. Trudeau’s satanic reading of how to become a more despicable dictator?

We have witnessed similar protests in many COVID-cult nations. Free people would simply like their grievances to be heard and their liberties not to be infringed. Neither happens in socialism, marxism, or communism. Mr. Trudeau could care less what citizens think. Dictators don’t see themselves as working for the electorate. Rather, they see the electorate as slaves. Masters do not listen to slaves.

Thus, the citizens need to understand that they are now enemy combatants in a war instigated upon them by their very own governments. History has shown that tyrants don’t negotiate. They don’t compromise. They don’t need to because they do not see themselves as representatives of the people.

Therefore, people everywhere who appreciate personal liberties need to understand what is required of them in war.

To quote a great Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest, ‘War means fightin’ and fightin’ means killin’. War declarations are an ‘us versus them’ mentality.

For instance, one demand the protesting truckers have put forth has been a demand for the resignation of Mr. Trudeau. Sadly, anyone that would take his place would likely be just as evil and just as tyrannical. That’s the nature of the beast. Tyrants never cede power. It must be wrestled from them by force. Talking is useless. Demanding civility is useless. Demanding individual rights is useless. Sadly, these protests will fail.  

So, it seems to me that the truckers have forgotten two essential tools to restore liberty - a rope and a stool.

Mr. Trudeau now rules by edicts and dictatorial power. Either he wins by destroying the lives of the truckers or they win by destroying the lives of dictators. Canada is clearly a fascist state no different than North Korea or Australia or any other sh*thole on the planet.

How are dictators destroyed? By force.

Maybe the truckers should storm the Canadian Parliament and round up all the politicians who have dismissed the citizens as ‘unnecessary eaters’ or ‘unacceptable’ and set them atop a stool, fashion a noose around their necks, and then kick the stool out from under them. Round them up, noose, stool, repeat. Attitudes would likely change quickly. Otherwise, these truckers are unfortunately wasting their time.  

Every populace that seeks liberty must retain a rope and a stool as a deterrence of tyranny. In America, we have our guns. Once a few tyrants are hung, there would be less inclination to push governmental power. Maybe a lot of tyrants need to be hung but readers can understand this point.  

Then the rope and stool should be presented to local politicians, the military traitors, the judicial traitors, the police force traitors, the medical traitors and scammers, and even the teachers who indoctrinate instead of teach. We might need a lot of rope and a lot of stool. But, the good thing is both come from renewable resources so we don’t have to worry about hurting the environment while we clean up human garbage.

A few last points.

Trudeau himself personifies the argument of the protesting truckers. Mr. Trudeau is suppressing liberty as he taps his inner Hitler complex. Mr. Trudeau maintains that the truckers, and all the white people that stand with them deserve no voice. They are serfs.  

COVID is a scam run for brutal governmental control over the citizenry. It is manufactured by government to be used as a weapon against citizens. The shots are bioweapons.

When he learned of the truckers advancing toward Ottawa, Mr. Trudeau did what every sissy-boy does when he can’t muster the courage to back his words - he ran and hid. Then he claimed he tested positive for COVID. The next day he was out in public admonishing the protestors thus proving the point of the protestors. COVID is not a threat to 99.9% of the people infected. Mr. Trudeau seemed fine after his alleged COVID positive announcement.

We all love our environment so a rope is a good tool because it is green and reusable. Ditto for the stool. Hanging is environmentally friendly as it does not utilize fossil fuels and therefore is carbon zero. One can only imagine how free society could become once a bunch of politicians are hung from tree limbs. One can only imagine how willing to negotiate politicians would become if citizens showed up with ropes and stools. At this point, it may be a citizens only recourse. Else we all wind up like Aussies or New Zealanders.

Liberty is no different than tyranny in one respect. Both have to be ensured by a threat of physical force.

The time for protests has passed. Action is now required.

We must all understand this final point clearly. As long as tyrants like Trudeau, Arden, Morrison, Biden, are allowed to breathe, we are all imperiled.

Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2022

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