Friday, September 11, 2020

Word Up You Bitchass Athletes - The Times They Are A Changin’

 by Barry Ferguson

I overheard a conversation the other day. One guy said to his buddy, “I saw MJ on the course today.”

Granted, I am a recovering basketball addict and I am sworn to never watch any more social justice sports. But where I live, the great Michael Jordan is King! He owns the local social justice team. There can only be one ‘MJ’ and that would be the greatest basketball player ever, Michael Jordan. And, we all know Mr. Jordan enjoys an occasional golf outing.

So, my ears perked up. I wondered on which golf course these guys spotted the great ‘MJ’. I wondered if they got a glimpse of his golf stroke? Did he throw a club in the lake?

But wait. Hardly anyone I know cares anymore about racist, bitchass, multi-million dollar athletes pontificating to the rest of us how we should feel and think. Everyone I know has turned their backs on these racist, arrogant, condescending bitchass athletes and found something better to do with their time. But still, this is ‘MJ’ we are talking about!

Well, not any more. The ‘MJ’ these guys were talking about was on a disc golf course and ‘MJ’ was pro disc golf player Michael Johansen. Oh my, the times they are a changing!

Anyone who plays disc golf knows that the sport has suddenly become much more popular. This summer has been a turning point, I believe, as disc golf manufacturers have had great difficulty keeping an inventory. This may be because former MLB, NBA, and NFL fans have found something better to do with their time. I wonder why?

The NBA is led by one of its best players, Lebron James. This guy seems to be more of a male version of Cher than anything else. Dumb, inarticulate, bigoted, and totally driven by his own wealth.

Cher, uh, I mean Lebron, chastised the NFL as being a ‘slave-like’ system in that the league would not allow freedom of speech or expression. The NBA however was different. Everyone in the NBA was free to speak out on issues and not be penalized.

Then, as China finally consumed a formally free Hong Kong, Houston Rocket GM Morey tweeted that he supported a free Hong Kong. Cher was among the first to criticize the Rocket GM’s free speech as being detrimental to the league. Cher, Lebron, whatever, said Mr. Morey wasn’t ‘educated on the subject’. Of course the only ‘subject’ is Lebron’s paycheck and he and the NBA have ditched the US market for the Chinese market.

Then Covid struck and the NBA season was postponed. Lebron famously stuck his chest out and declared that if fans were prohibited from attending games in person then he would not play. It was just that simple. Then his Chinese masters called and said, ‘Boy, get your ass back out there and play in a fan-less bubble.’ Lebron said, ‘Yassah, Massah!’ No wonder the guy can jump so high. He apparently is lighter than the rest of us in that he has no backbone nor brain to weight him down.

Then the league resumes with graffiti all over the court supporting marxist terrorist organizations that are destroying many large cities. Players could replace their names with social justice garbage. Even pathetically stupid white boys like NBA nobody Kyle Korver donned a jersey with ‘BlackLivesMatter’ in place of his name. Make no mistake. Stupidity is color-blind.

The NFL is no better. Stadiums fly flags supporting racism and domestic terrorism. They hate America. They hate white America. They really hate christians. They think all their fans are racists and they, the players, are the only virtuous people capable of correcting the rest of us. That is, the few NFL players that can stay out of jail for beating up their girl friends or selling drugs. I wonder what the league will do if someone kneels when the black national anthem is played?  

Should we even bring up Drew Brees? Certainly a Hall of Famer when he finally retires but this poor guy seems to have no idea how he thinks until he is told how to think. He mentioned a few Bible verses a few months back and said people should carry their Bible with them. Then he was told that was offensive so he retracted his statements. Then Mr. Brees proudly said he had family members that served in the military and it was wrong to kneel when the National Anthem was played. He was told that was offensive and he retracted his statements and pledged to kneel or crawl or grovel however he was told.

Then Brees showed up at practice with accused domestic violence offender Jacob Blake’s name on his helmet. His teammates joined him in celebrating the life of a criminal. Mr. Blake of course was shot multiple times by police as he attempted to steal a woman’s car with children in the back seat. The police were called by the woman. Mr. Blake proceeded to wrestle with the police, put one in a headlock, fought his way to the car where he had a knife ready so he could possibly assault the police.

As pathetic a human as Brees is, I feel sorry for him. His brain is like jelly and he has the backbone of a jellyfish. What does he stand for? Whatever he is told to stand for. But just wait until Senators Harris and Hirone find out about this. Remember during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings how these two senators in particular went after Judge Kavanaugh because he was accused of attempted sexual assault by a lying Blarney Ford woman? Nevermind the truth. ‘Believe the women’. They were ready to hang Judge Kavanaugh regardless of truth (this is a consistent pattern in the evil Senator Harris’s career) because he allegedly attacked a woman. And now, Brees and the entire NFL supports people accused of domestic assault. Will we see a congressional investigation? Go get him, Senator Hirone. I’m waiting…

The only thing these athletes are consistent about is their hatred of their fans, both current and former.

I could go on and on with the modern sports players like Coach Rivers of the Clippers. He was recently exhibiting his terminal case of TDS as he whined that ‘We’ve been shot. We’ve been hung.’ So have ‘we’, coach.

I don’t mean to step on the territory of the Hodge Twins videos (funniest guys on the internet) but let me help you bitchass athletes out here. If you don’t want to be killed by cops, follow these guidelines.

1. Don’t commit crimes.
2. If you commit a crime and the law confronts you, don’t run, don’t fight, don’t resist arrest. Has there been a single instance yet where a suspect has fought the cops and won? Bitchass athletes ought to know this is like arguing with the referee. You are going to lose.
3. Follow instructions from police.

I know the ignorant left would prefer to remain ignorant but there was a recent case in ‘MJ’ land in which a black male shot a 5-year old boy in the head and killed him. The boy was the next door neighbor. Now, I’m sure Coach Popavich (I don’t know if that’s how he spells his name, I could look it up, but I don’t care anymore) greatly supports this behavior as further proof that ‘white people need to be educated’. But, the point is the police showed up to arrest the accused and he surrendered peacefully without being shot, strangled, or beaten.

In another case, in South Carolina, a black male shot and killed a white man and his white step-daughter and a third person after a minor fender bender. Again, the suspect surrendered peacefully and he is alive waiting trial. Had this happened in Portland, I’m sure the communists and racists in that city would have erected a statue in his honor by now.  

Now it would appear that many fans are indeed former fans and they will find better things to do than watch a collection of the most racist people on the planet play games.

So rock on, MJ. Hope to see you on the course. I will certainly be spinning discs on Sundays and not paying the least bit of attention to the marxist racist bitchass athletes that have ruined sports forever. The times are indeed a changin’.  

Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2020

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