Thursday, June 25, 2020

“You’re not here for me. You’re here because you’re dumb as f#ck!!”

by Barry Ferguson

As summer 2020 unfolds, antifa, BLM, and their imbecilic followers are rioting in liberal cities. These riots look more like a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum. They more resemble animals that should be in zoo rather than a human deserving of respect. What are they rioting over? Seems to me that TDS has driven the weak-minded mad.

Clearly the human species has now crossed the rubicon of terminal stupidity. The species will soon be back in trees throwing bark and sticks at one another. As Yogi Berra once said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Let’s see what we observe from a trip to the human zoo we witness today.

I have read the rioters in Seattle, WA seceded from the US by occupying a few blocks of downtown territory of which they did not own nor render payment. My thoughts.

One, Good riddance. Take the rest of Seattle with you. Please, President Trump - don’t intervene. CHAZ is quickly becoming a comedy channel. Or, maybe it’s a cartoon? Either way, please let this play out. I want to see the ending.

Two, the US government should send these miscreants a bill for the land and buildings that were illegally seized.

Three, I read the cult inside the territory were watching outdoor movies and so I wondered if they were watching the movie, ‘Idiocracy’? Please tell me they were swigging Brawndo while their leader, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, is spending his time trying to form a grammatically correct sentence.

Four, we now have proof that cultural diversity is bad for a society and will eventually tear the society apart. 

Five, President Trump should take this opportunity to follow my plan should I become the next US President. I will immediately pull the US out of debt. I will offer the ‘left coast’ to China for $20 trillion dollars and the Chinese can use their US debt holdings as a downpayment. California, Oregon, and Washington gone! Most of the welfare - gone! Most of the communists - gone! Most of the american haters - gone! Of course I would terminate the Federal Reserve Bank as well and there goes another $7 trillion dollars of debt. Done. The nation would be debt free and have far fewer communists who are cancers of liberty.

Of course I would eliminate 80% of government workers as they are ‘non-essential’ and lower the salary of federally elected officials, and in particular Congress, to minimum wages of $7.25 per hour. There. Problems solved. The US would be debt free and California free and Federal Reserve free. Did I mention debt free? Oh, then we could really cut taxes!

But the point of this article is truth is a beautiful thing. America needs a heaping healthy dose of plain truth right now. Truth needs no clarification nor explanation. Truth renders debate unnecessary and rebuttal mute. When truth is revealed it is sometimes like a Mike Tyson right cross to the nose. It is undeniable. Let’s examine. 

A black woman posted a video of her confrontation with ‘BLM’ protestors who were blocking the street like a herd of goats so no one could drive through. The lady just wanted to go home to her family and get on with her life.

I don’t know who this woman is but her oratory gives reason to believe in human intelligence. Yes, there was a fair amount of profanity but this lady was speaking for a lot of citizens who are growing ever more tired of being preached to by self-righteous, self-virtuous, completely hypocritical, brain-dead, communists. Let’s call this lady ‘Sister Truth’. And, she was pissed!

I’m talking about black lady who has taken all the sh#t she was gonna’ and she was ‘telling it like it is’ kind of pissed. Pure, raw, primal, primitive, unarguable TRUTH!!

God blessed Sister Truth with a glorious voice of sheer power. She was justifiably enraged. She commanded that these idiots get the “f#ck out of the way”. She told the troglodytes that her kids were in the car and she just wanted to go home. She rebutted their arguments about ‘black lives matter’ by telling them that ‘black lives don’t matter if you keep voting democrat’. Truth is born from knowledge.

She rebutted the only words the racist liberals know, the invariable ‘f#ck you’, with her own, “No, f#ck you!”

At that point, a pathetic, sort of ‘Karen-like’ racist, liberal, idiot white woman holding a ‘wake up, stand up’ sign said in a pandering, self-righteous, whiny voice, “We’re here for you.”

That’s when the heavens parted and Sister Truth thundered back truth like Jesus himself had spoken it. With total exasperation, frustration, and indignation, Sister Truth dropped the bomb.

“You’re not here for me. You’re here because you’re dumb as f#ck!”

This truth bomb should be blared all over the globe. This is the crux of the world’s problem today. Everyone is ‘dumb as f#ck’ but somehow they think they know something. They don’t. The world is a collection of raving idiots. I wonder if God Himself is a bit embarrassed by creating a species like humans that are so obviously ‘dumb as f#ck’?

From politicians to citizens to police to rioters to corporations to athletes to members of the press to especially college indoctrinators. Sister Truth, please repeat the truth: You’re here because you’re dumb as f#ck!

And so to the afore mentioned in the previous paragraph, they now know the purpose of their existence. They aren’t here for social justice. They aren’t here to subdue racism. They aren’t here because the police are the enemy. They aren’t here to protest ‘systemic racism’ - whatever that is. They are here because they are ‘dumb as f#ck’!!!

Forget Descartes ‘I think, therefore I am’. The new philosophy is ‘If I could think, I wouldn’t be dumb as f#ck’. Get over yourself, humans. You are now too stupid to be taken seriously.

Everyone is being lied to, played, and scammed. Whether it’s racism or a virus or a political story, everyone is being lied to about everything. One can only be lied to when they are dumb as f#ck and they don’t know anything. Whenever we need to see an example of someone who is indeed as dumb as f#ck, we can take a quick glance at a US Politician.

Pelosi and her fellow satanist took a knee and bowed to worship and exalt a career criminal who was recently killed by police during an attempted arrest. The whole story could actually be another false flag hoax but that is another story. Pelosi and her minions of unfathomable stupidity kneeled there so self-righteously while panderingly sporting an african garb around their necks originally worn and produced by african slave owners and traders. It is called the ‘kente cloth’. How stupid does one have to be to support these cretins? Yeah, I know. Sister Truth said it. Dumb as f#ck!

Of course, the left has a garbage service known as the ‘media’ to clean up their trash. Pabulum provider USA Today reports that the kente cloth does indeed have ties to the slave trade, but notes modern use has taken on a different meaning. Isn’t that nice?

They explain: ‘Although kente cloth does have ties to slavery, it is more widely recognized as a modern symbol of pride in African American culture and pride in cultural ties to West Africa.’

Would they write the same about the Confederate battle flag as being a symbol of southern pride and heritage? My guess is this is exactly what anyone flying the Confederate battle flag would say if asked what it represents. Or, when you are  racist and dumb as f#ck, is everything just different for white people?

After all, the Civil War ended more than 150 years ago. The vast majority of any type of flag wavers have no idea when the Civil War was fought nor any idea who was involved due to the transformation of an american education system into an american indoctrination system.

For example, look at the monument destroyers today. None of them have the first clue who any of these people were represented by statues. Liberals think a certain way because they have been told to do so. The result is they have become dumb as f#ck!

As hundreds of mostly black folks were just gunned down by other black folks over Father’s Day in liberal sewers like Chicago, Minneapolis, and NY, the whole ‘black lives matter’ statement seems ridiculous. God created us all and we all matter. My hope is Sister Truth is blessed by her oration of truth and more people, black and white, listen to her.

But, we know from the videos of the current lineup of protesters that being dumb as f#ck is all they have. When confronted with actual statistics that show black people only make up about one-third of all police shooting victims, one protester responded, ‘I don’t care. Get the f#ck out of here’.  I couldn’t tell if the animal was swigging Brawndo or not. Probably was. Dumb as f#ck indeed!!!

Sister Truth video here:

Oh yeah, Senator Lindsey Graham said something today. 7.5 billion people just collectively yawned.

Copyright 2020 BMF Investments, Inc.


  1. Wow, the "flagellants" are out....missing sack clothe and ashes. This must truly be the dark ages.

  2. Well said.....I was thinking the same thing when I saw the video of the gal going off on the demodroids.
