By Barry Ferguson
It should be clear that our world today is caught in a battle between good versus evil. The ‘good’ is the populace and the ‘evil’ is the government. Pundits are opining whether the US and the western world are turning to fascism, naziism, or totalitarianism. I believe western leaders have embraced communism as the oppressive tool for complete populace control. Truth, fact, and reality have been abandoned.
Mao Zedong, former communist leader of China said these words when confronted with fact, truth, and reality: “Better red than expert.”
Today, western leaders have fully embraced Mao. They have an agenda and truth, fact, and expertise be damned! Western leaders want complete slavish control over populations and nothing less. The parallels to Mao’s reign of terror and stupidity are now obvious and apparent in western leadership from the US to Europe.
The Discover Channel has a ‘History Uncovered’ program on Mao. I have watched it twice and below is my summary. If I were President, this 45-minute program would be required viewing of every citizen in the US followed by a quiz to demonstrate proficiency. Failure is not an option. This moment in history is that important. Please read on.
Mao Zedong rose to power in China around 1950. China was very poor, agrarian, and economically far behind the free world. Mao himself was a peasant. As such, he was able to rally his fellow peasants to his side.
Here is the first parallel. Absent any other intelligent and forceful leadership, Mao and his cult usurped political and governmental power by force. His followers were mostly the young people.
Here’s the second parallel.
The young people are always the stupidest part of the population. They immediately began erasing all symbols of China’s past culture. Remember how the young idiots in America tore down statues, re-wrote history books, and denounced everyone who thought differently from them as ‘white supremacists’ or ‘racists’ or something equally as stupid. This all started with Obama and his red marxist movement. China redux.
Mao quickly instituted his own communist doctrine. Landowners had their land seized and redistributed to the cult followers. As mentioned, China was very poor and had very little in terms of modern tools or machinery. Nor did China have any industrial base whatsoever. The peasants were forced into the fields to raise crops. They had no power, no freedom, and all proceeds went to the state. The state redistributed rations of food to the peasants who were now basically enslaved.
A third parallel is evident as western governments are now seeking to destroy farmers by restricting water usage, destroying food processing centers, and eliminating cattle and chickens as much as possible.
Millions of Chinese citizens starved to death. As it turns out, turning entire populations into beasts of burden is not an efficient model. Farming is not easy. It is best left to expert farmers and not the government.
Here is a fourth parallel as western leaders seek to enslave their populations.
At this point Mao was the unquestionable leader. His word was law. Then Mao had an idea. He thought the crops were failing because birds were eating the seeds. The notion that communism always fails never occurred to him. He had an agenda. So, he ordered all the citizens to kill every bird they could find. As with any cult, the citizens mindlessly and enthusiastically obeyed and killed millions of birds.
*As I write, the OBiden regime is orchestrating the ‘environmental’ policy to kill about a half-million owls in the pacific northwest because one species is supposedly eradicating another species from the area. The environmentalists used to blame loggers for the owls endangerment but now they have a different villain. Communist gooberments all think alike. If we kill all the owls, won’t the rodent population explode? Oops - better red than expert! Didn’t mean to think right there.
Here’s a fifth parallel. Western leaders demanded that their cults accept experimental shots a few years ago to supposedly ward off the flu. Of course the cult members were too stupid to realize the shot was actually a bioweapon designed to kill and maim the recipient.
Of course reality set in. Absent the presence of predator birds, the bug population proliferated and soon devoured the crops. Famine followed and tens of millions of Chinese citizens starved to death again.
At this point, Mao had completely isolated China from the rest of the world.
Here is the sixth parallel in that Obama-Biden have isolated the US as the US no longer has any friends in the world.
Yes, Mao did require the population to undergo an educational process that was essentially indoctrination.
There is the seventh parallel. Education opens the mind and indoctrination incarcerates the mind. The western leadership has accomplished the same agenda by using the most debilitating mental disorder in human history - Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Their cult is now completely brainless and totally controlled. The US regime’s cult leader Biden recently said, “We choose truth over facts.” The cult is content with their version of the truth regardless of facts.
Then Mao had another brain storm. He saw that the world around him had industrialized and modernized and in turn affluence spread. But not in China. Mao needed to industrialize quickly to catch up. He ordered all citizens to turn in anything made of metal so the metals could be used for state sponsored industry. Citizens gleefully turned in their pots, pans, scissors, tools, and anything made of steel just as they had gleefully killed all the birds a few years before that resulted in famine. Sadly, the Chinese had no way of actually converting scrap metal into anything useful so the exercise was a total failure. Since all the peasants were now working in smelters to fabricate metal, no one worked the fields. Crops again failed and the next famine killed tens of millions more Chinese citizens.
Around 1961, Mao held a meeting with his appointed leaders.
Here is an eighth parallel. All of Mao’s underlings were simply ‘yes’ men. Whatever Mao said, they went along with. (See the Democrat party in US. See the climate change cult.) But then a defense minister, Peng Dehuai, spoke up and injected truth, fact, and reality. Mao’s policies were not working and the ‘red’ communist way was driving China into the dirt. That’s when Mao famously said, “Better red than expert”.
Readers would be well advised to commit this to memory. ‘Better red than expert’. Leaders who lust for total control don’t care about truth, fact, data, nor expertise. Their agenda is control and not liberty to pursue affluence.
From our Holy Bible and the book of Proverbs 1:7 - “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Clearly the cult is demonic.
The defense minister was removed from power, incarcerated until death, and Mao continued driving China in the ground for a few more years. Possibly due to age, Mao decided to step down from the Chairman role and just head the red communist party.
Liu Shaoqi took over the Chairman role from Mao and started reforms that resembled capitalism and freedom. Land owners were allowed to grow what they could and sell their products at market for a profit. Citizens were allowed to travel. China perked up and relative affluence began to spread.
This is not allowed in the communist/marxist playbook so Mao re-emerged a few years later fomenting revolution led by his ‘red guard’. Again, they were mostly made up of young people and university morons. Leadership changed again and the newly installed regime put China in reverse once again.
It would take several decades more until Deng Xiaoping took control and instituted reforms that led to China opening up to the world with an eye on economic growth. This brought China into the modern era but that red marxism blood never really changes. Mass protests for more freedom for the citizens at Tiananmen Square were met by Deng’s military who proceeded to murder many of the protesters.
Word of caution. The military is not a friend to those seeking liberty.
Ready for a ninth parallel? Remember what happened at the Capital building on January 6, 2021? Protestors showed up to demonstrate against an obviously fraudulent election. President Trump won the vote in a landslide. But, a brain-dead puppet was installed anyway. The US gestapo (FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, Pelosi, and many others) had already conspired to entrap the protesters. Over the course of the next few years, thousands of citizens were arrested, denied bail, denied legal rights, and tortured for their actions. Corrupt judges dished out ridiculously lengthy prison sentences for those who were entrapped. This was America’s Tiananmen Square moment that demonstrated to us all that America was now dead and the communists had taken charge. The election could not be challenged. Voting machines could not be examined. Votes could not be recounted. Zuckerberg and the other social media fecal stains prohibited such discussions. Authority could not be questioned. Better red than expert indeed!
Back to the Discovery show. As Mao took over a second time, the video shows interviews with Mao supporters. Again, they are the young people and university students. The interviewer questions their loyalty to Mao by suggesting that many of his past policies were failures that led to death and starvation and economic ruin. The students responded as one would expect of any brain dead cult member. “No”, they insisted. “Mao is never wrong.”
And there you have it. The final and tenth parallel with what is now America behaving as communist China.
One last thing. Chiang Kai-shek was the Chinese Chairman that Mao’s revolution forces removed from office. Chiang Kai-shek and his followers fled to Taiwan. To this day Taiwan and China remain at odds. The Chinese government has always resented the fact that Taiwan’s relative freedom allowed it to prosper while China’s lack of freedom mired the country in poverty. ‘Better red than expert’ has proven to be the utterance of a profanely stupid person. Why does the US gooberment follow such imbecilic moronishness? Well, look at the population.
Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2024
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