Tuesday, June 4, 2024

2 Of The 3 US 2024 Presidential Candidates Have Had A Lobotomy

By Barry Ferguson


When we consider the failing trajectory of the former United States of America (now operating as the Untied Satanists of America under the installed 2020 regime), we must scrutinize the regime’s leadership. Sadly enough, in the coming 2024 Presidential Election there are three real candidates and two of them have had a lobotomy. For all the Harvard graduates that can actually read, a lobotomy is an operation on the brain in which tissue is removed.

Is it any wonder why the world is falling apart? 

Robert Kennedy is one of the three candidates and he recently admitted that he once had a worm in his brain that ate up some brain tissue before he had the operation to remove said worm and damaged tissue. He also admits he has had mental problems since that operation.

Joseph Biden is the second candidate who has had a lobotomy. He actually had two aneurisms that required surgery repair and thus lost a bit of brain tissue. Clearly we can all see this person post lobotomy and understand that he isn’t all there.

The third candidate of course is President Trump and to my knowledge has never had any kind of brain operation much less a lobotomy. 

So here we are as a society. Western leaders appear to be completely insane. They want to destroy our food supplies, restrict our use of energy, depopulate us, vax us to death, start WWIII, and all this for the utter nonsense of ‘climate change’ and forced acceptance of moral perversion. Maybe many of our leaders have had lobotomies? The rest are intimidated by the CIA and are powerless to resist the NWO elitist enslavement efforts.

Mr. Kennedy has admitted to still having mental problems. Mr. Biden displays his mental malfunctions every time he speaks in public. Mr. Trump still seems to have some normal brain function aside from his insistence that ‘Operation Warp Speed’ vaccine development was a great thing. Is it any wonder that everything is disintegrating at once?  

Yet, we must cast a vote for one of these gentlemen in November. Just remember, whomever you cast a vote is a reflection of your own mental state. If you want to be represented and led by a lobotomized individual, you will have two choices this year!   

Copyright BMF Investments, Inc. 2024

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