By Barry Ferguson
President Donald J. Trump has been under political attack since he won the presidential election of 2016. When one fights against pedophiles, communists, criminal politicians (sorry for the oxymoron), and satanists, this is the expected reaction. His opponents and critics have been unrelenting. Their hatred of the man has led the ashkenazi jews (the same ilk who crucified Jesus Christ) of the Democrat Party to attempt a fraudulent impeachment of President Trump. How do we know the impeachment is crap? Because it looks like Pelosi and smells like Schiff.
In a way I do feel sorry for Mao Tse Schiff. One by one, his pedophile best friends and donors are going to jail for their demonic deeds. In the same way, I feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. It seems that everyone she has ever known or come in contact with has now committed suicide. Two or three shots to the back of the head seems to be the M.O.
The enemies of President Trump have attacked him with porn actresses, obviously psychotic women, lies, distortions, dirty lawyers (sorry for another oxymoron), dirty judges (and yet another one), and the most vile, disgusting, and most corrupt members of the law enforcement and justice system. Let’s not forget the entire Democrat Party. They spent tens of millions on an investigation headed by the completely corrupt and evil to the core repugnant Robert Mueller concerning ‘Russian collusion’ and came up empty. They tried to frame the President with FBI Agent Strzok leading the frame-up. They put words in his mouth. They lied about his interactions. They defamed him. They attacked his family including his wife and ten-year old son. They paraded a human dumpster of political vermin like Maxine Waters, Rashida ‘I hate americans’ Tlaib, Pol Pot Pelosi, and Adolf Nadler out to try and stop President Trump’s assault on pedophiles, human traffickers, and communist murderers. They even trotted out the soulless vacuum of Romney and Obama to insult the President. Yet, the only crime President Trump has committed is trying to blunt the corruption of his declared enemies in an effort to make America a decent country. And still, the worst, most criminally corrupt, most morally bankrupt humans to ever crawl across the Earth have yet to find any real infractions of President Trump.
To an honest observer, it would now appear that all these failed attacks and bogus investigations concerning the President has now made President Donald J. Trump look cleaner than Billy Graham’s library.
President Trump’s haters don’t seem to realize what the rest of us know. That is, President Trump is a road paver and everyone who tries to re-route the road he is paving gets smashed into the asphalt like a cartoon character rendered to irrelevant oblivion. Yet, the critics and opponents continue to line up for a pancaking.
I don’t know if President Trump is the cleanest American President ever but his detractors are making it look so. Let’s take a look at the greasy spots of irrelevancy that President Trump has left on his MAGA road. Sorry, but the clean road is a long one.
The Republican party.
There were 16 politicians vying for the presidency in 2016. Mr. Trump, a business man with no political experience, debated the seasoned politicians in front of the American public. Voters rejected the career politicians in favor of Mr. Trump as the Republican presidential nominee. Many Republican politicians were, and are, ardent anti-Trump mental cases. They refused to stand behind Mr. Trump as he promised to fight for a better America free from the communists on the left. Donald Trump exposed the Republican party as a bunch of imbeciles with no guts, no fight, and no relevance. Senator Lindsey Graham is a good example. The guy talks a lot and does nothing. He reminds me of the ever effeminate Niles Crane character from the TV show ‘Frasier’ who once exclaimed in a fit of rage, “I am making a fist and thinking of using it!”
10/18/19: Former President George W. Bush said that President Trump’s ‘isolationist’ policies are a threat to ‘world peace’. How about that? A cretin that used outright lies to attack half of the world and kill millions of people is lecturing President Trump on world peace?
I think most of President Trump’s supporters now hope the President either forms a new party or destroys the RINOs that steal money from taxpayers every day with their acts of treason and sedition. You know - the John McCain traitorous republicans. The stupidest man in the world is that guy running against Mr. Trump for the republican ticket in 2020. I don’t know his name and don’t want to look him up. He is irrelevant. He is road kill in waiting. So is the stupid Republican Party. The GOP is just another greasy spot on Trump Road.
The Democrat Party.
The first indication that democrats are evil, depraved, delusional people was presented at Judge Kavanaugh’s hearing for his appointment by President Trump to the Supreme Court. In an effort to derail the President, democrats became completely obsessed with Judge Kavanaugh’s genitalia and who had seen it. They sent in lying Christine Blarney Ford to lie about an alleged assault to which neither she nor anyone else on the planet had any recollection. Still they went on an on and to this day, they still fantasize about impeaching Judge Kavanaugh. They can’t get his genitalia out of their minds.
Mr. Trump’s detractors have never understood that many who voted for President Trump did so holding their nose because they could not possibly consider voting for an evil, corrupt, criminal, vile, failed career politician like Hillary Clinton who would have led the country to a third-world status. Instead of recognizing President Trump’s genius, the democrat party doubled down just as really dumb people do. When digging a deep hole they reasoned that the only way out of the hole was to use a bigger shovel.
Classless members of Congress refer to the President in both crude and profane language. I won’t even mention the garbage from Dearborn Michigan and her vulgarities. She is just another greasy spot.
In their zeal to rebuke the President, the democrats embraced everything that was un-Trump. Now the democrat party is the party of Satan, infanticide, zero border security, failed economic policies, war, occupation of sovereign countries, elevation of perverts to reverence status, lying, cheating, and zero morals. Their hatred of President Trump has led them to reject logic and embrace insanity. Thus, TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome was born.
For instance, the same democrats pass a bill to make cruelty to animals a felony. Isn’t a human also an animal? Why then is it okay to drown a new born baby in saline to perform a ‘live birth abortion’ but not okay to drown a new born puppy? With the ‘cruelty to animals’ legislation just passed, have these idiots not made live birth abortion illegal? Maybe to Democrats, we humans are less valued than animals?
These same democrats vote to give US taxpayer money to foreign countries to beef up their border security but refuse to spend a penny on American borders?
Yet, the same democrats vote to ban adult activities like gun ownership to ‘save our children’ while promoting and paying for drag queen perverts to morally corrupt children in libraries and schools.
The democratic party is now an AOC joke. Childishly stupid, they are carrying on some kind of ‘impeachment’, as they do with every Republican President, that is really a coup attempt by a few seditious actors while blabbering about ‘our democracy’ and our ‘Constitution’. First, the US was established as a republic required to adhere to a set of written laws. The Constitution is the framework of US law and democrats claim they are performing their ‘constitutional duty’ to impeach the President. Gee, I wish they felt so strongly about the rest of the constitution. These same democrats don’t seem to care so much for the First Amendment (free speech) or the Second Amendment (right to bear arms). Forget about the fourth amendment. The previous presidents Obama and Bush (same guy - different skin tone) made a door mat out of that one with their maniacal zeal to seize and steal property from citizens without due process or cause or even criminal charge or conviction. Democrats seem to prefer Chinese-style communism.
Listen to their insanity.
Democrat Mike Quigley spoke about impeachment and went on record in Congress as saying “hearsay can be MUCH better evidence than direct evidence.” Presidential hopeful Joe ‘I don’t know where I am’ Biden said that his people prefer ‘truth over facts’. Joe’s wife Jill went to the Mexican border during Christmas to feed foreign invaders while ignoring hungry Americans.
President Trump is constantly accused by democrats of being a racist. Yet, a black women working on his campaign staff accused Mr. Trump of trying to ‘forcibly kiss her’. What kind of racist tries to kiss members of a race he supposedly hates? The video proved otherwise.
9/12/19: At the democrat presidential debate, Candidate Buttigieg said of President Trump’s immigration policy, "Anyone who supports this is supporting racism.” Okay. President Trump believes that anyone coming into the US should do so legally according to immigration law of the country. I believe that every country in the world has immigration laws. Therefore, Mr. Buttigieg must believe the entire world is racist. Surely a communist like Buttigieg admires China’s immigration law. I guess all Chinese are racist too. So are Mexicans. So are Canadians. So, Buttigieg is a pandering moron who knows his supporters stamp their hooves on the ground once for ‘democrat’ and twice for ‘republican’. Since his supporters can’t count beyond one, he gets the vote.
President Trump is constantly accused by democrats of being a xenophobic. Yet, Mr. Trump has been married to three different women and two of them are immigrants.
Congresscum Cory Booker said that Trump rallies were a ‘breeding ground for racism and bigotry’ and should therefore be outlawed. Racism and bigotry, huh?
The DNC recently put out an email ad for technology workers. As always, the democrats used the usual rhetoric that they were inclusive and fair and blah, blah, blah. The DNC's Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader, got more specific in the closing paragraph of the email. Leader said "I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.” Racism and bigotry, huh?
On 8/20/19, Palestinian Congresscum Representative Tlaib mused that she would prefer that Israel disappear from the Earth while her Palestinian people take over the land. She is so progressive. Given she is a sheep belonging to the Democrat herders, she must embrace the LGBTQ movement. Well, her Palestinians aren’t as progressive. The Palestinian Authority has banned LGBTQ groups from holding events in West Bank. They say these activities are ‘Harmful to the ideals of society’ What a bunch of homophobes, right? Yet, complete hypocrite Ms. Tlaib supports them completely. Do people understand how democrats want to run America?
We have Democrat politicians saying that white men are the greatest terrorist threat in the US. Interesting, two women were just arrested in New York because they were building bombs that would be used to kill Americans. Women. Muslim. Middle Eastern ancestry. Not ‘white men’.
News flash from 8/30/19: Awais Chudhary is a 19-year-old New York City man. He is accused of plotting a knife attack on behalf of the Islamic State group. He is not a white man.
8/29/19: Ilhan Omar responds to death threats: “But until deranged people like this stop threatening my life and the lives of others, I have to accept the reality of having security”. We must be fair and point out when people like Ms. Omar are correct. And she is. Ilhan Omar makes a perfect argument for the Second Amendment. We should all be able to protect ourselves. Well, in the arrogance of politicians, ‘security’ is only for her and not for the rest of us. And by the way, Ms. Omar, those of us with functioning brain cells see your party as the ‘deranged’ people for which we need protection.
The Democrat Party is so functionally a cult now that they can’t even have an honest debate amongst themselves. Senator Tulsi Gabbard found out the hard way what her party is all about. In the second lunatic democrat debate, Senator Gabbard apparently (I didn’t watch because I believe I already know what these communists really want) destroyed favorite Senator Harris with a truthful examination of Ms. Harris’s time as California’s AG. Ms. Harris pushed hard for severe sentencing for victimless crimes and even hid exculpatory evidence in a case that put an innocent man on death row. Pure evil! But, when one uncovers the evils of democrats, they are then shunned. Senator Gabbard was not allowed to participate in the third debate of the loons. Of course, the good news for Ms. Gabbard is that she didn’t say anything negative about the Clintons. Otherwise, it is likely that Ms. Gabbard would have soon,…, well,…uh…, ‘committed suicide’ like Jeffrey Epstein.
Give me a break! President Trump’s detractors hate the President, the Constitution, and the citizens of the country. The democrat party is simply demonic. President Trump’s road paver has exposed this truth.
Russian election collusion.
President Trump’s haters spent three years and some $35 million in taxpayer money in an attempt to railroad the President with charges of illegal activity concerning Russian collusion. In the end, the story was likely concocted by the outgoing Obama team and paid for by the Clinton DNC campaign. The FBI’s Robert Mueller conducted an investigation with the help of the CIA, the FBI, and other seditious factions of the US government. They came up empty. The President did nothing wrong. This was supposed to be the lynchpin in the effort to remove President Trump from office. All 500 pages or whatever of the Mueller report have now been mashed into the asphalt of MAGA Road.
The US DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.
Now we know these organizations to be anti-American. They are corrupt to their communist core. The DOJ plays favorites and ‘justice’ no longer exists in the US. Fairness and equality are now foreign concepts in America. The FBI and the CIA are enemies of the citizens. Every US citizen should now fear these seditious organizations as they no longer support the bedrocks of American society that are supposed to revolve around fairness and equality. That’s really what is supposed to make America great. I can’t think of anything worse than having the FBI want to frame me for something, assign Agent Strzok to plant or manufacture ‘evidence’ against me, have Robert Mueller call CNN to film my arrest by a couple of dozen SWAT teams, and have to plead my case to the DOJ. Guilty, guilty, guilty. Just look what they did to Maria Butina - the alleged Russian spy. Basically she was imprisoned for a year for being Russian. Ditto for Martha Stewart, General Flynn, and every other person the spying law enforcement community wants to railroad. All of these departments need to be disbanded as the road paver has exposed them as being irrelevant to peace, prosperity, truth, justice, and liberty.
The Impeachment of President Trump.
Like the futility of the coyote chasing the roadrunner, the Democrats have finally turned to impeachment proceedings. Their case stems from the Ukraine. We should all find it a bit amusing that the democrats couldn’t find the Ukraine on a map when Obama was busy looting the country, over-throwing an elected president, spurring civil war, and getting bitch-slapped by Putin as Crimea succeeded from the Ukraine to join Russia. They never gave a schiff about the Ukraine. Now President Trump has a conversation on the phone with the new president of Ukraine and the same democrats want to impeach him for that. There is even a military guy testifying at the schiff-show lynching of the President in private behind closed doors (did someone say ‘democracy’?) who felt obliged to tattle on the President for asking his counterpart to investigate Joe Biden’s obviously corrupt behavior in the country. This military traitor fellow did so out of concern for US national security. After all, the military is supposed to focus on national security. Being an anti-Trumper, I’m sure this same guy has the same concern for the nation’s southern border? Where do they find these blowhard hypocrites? Is the US military full of traitors? We now know Congress is full of traitors!
The ‘media’.
Need I even expand upon this. Clearly the US ‘media’ is seditious, immoral, wicked, and bankrupt of trust. The major networks from ABC to CNN to MSNBC have polluted the airwaves with anti-Trump messaging dictated to them from their ashkenazi jewish masters. Now the media is a joke. As Perry Mason used to say, they are ‘imcompetent, immaterial, and irrelevant’. Look at what happened to Jim Acosta and Megan Kelly when they tried belittling the President. They are both back there somewhere mashed into the asphalt of MAGA Road.
Hollywood ‘entertainers’ loathe President Trump. Many of them have lost their minds over the Trump presidency. They make movies. Hardly anyone pays attention to them anymore and their movies flop. Actors like the late Peter Fonda wished aloud for vile things to happen to President Trumps pre-teen son. His anti-American traitorous sister Jane said her brother was a warm and loving person at his passing. I guess that depends on whether one agrees with his abhorrent wishes for children.
Former actor/comedian Jim Carrey destroyed his career with disgusting and pathetic paintings of his delusional ideas of the President.
George Lopez and Samuel Jackson just look like bigots. Alyssa Milano, Cher, Streisand, some rap guy named Stoop Dog, Bruce Springsteen - all look like idiots.
Effin-Robert effin-Di-effin-nero has been reduced to a vocabulary of one word due to TDS.
How dare any of us to disagree with idiots who recite other people’s words for a living! Thank you President Trump for exposing these members of the species as demonic and filled with fascist hate. Thank you for squashing their hate with your MAGA road paver!
The NBA, the NFL, professional sports.
Most sports people are ‘woke’. They hate President Trump. They love China and the oppressive communist government that harvests organs from citizens while outlawing all forms of religious worship. The NBA has aligned itself with China and when the revolution began in Hong Kong against Chinese rule, the NBA found itself in a ‘twitter war’ as an official of the Houston Rockets publicized his support for freedom and Hong Kong. The league stood by China. TV analyst Charles Barkley said it was a ‘business decision’. So too is slavery.
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just announced that they were barring import of certain goods from certain countries suspected of using ‘forced labor’ to produce these goods. The countries of origin are China, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Republic of Congo, and Brazil. In other words, the Trump administration is trying to punish the use of slavery. Again, if President Trump is a ‘white supremacist’ as the democrats claim, then he is the worst ‘white supremacist’ that ever lived. Even the Obama administration banned a few items from China due to the manufacturers use of slavery. Pathetically, China just celebrated 70 years of communism and there were idiots in the US waving the Chinese flag. The NBA has even sported the Chinese characters on their uniforms. These flag wavers must have been owners of bull whips as well. I see the NBA logo smashed into the MAGA Road.
From college professors to kindergarten teachers we hear the same hate of President Trump. We now know that the US ‘education’ system has been destroyed and replaced by ‘indoctrination’ venues. Teachers no longer teach. We see evidence of this fact everyday. American students are making their way to the bottom of the industrialized world in terms of science and math knowledge.
We have all seen the interviews of students and young people. They don’t know anything about anything except they know how to be ‘offended’ and ‘triggered’. Ergo, kids are not maturing into adults as they maintain behaviors more representative of three-year olds. College curriculums force gender and race issues without regard to critical thinking. Young people don’t know anything about US history or the Constitution. They voice support for communism and socialism but don’t know what that entails. They rail about capitalism yet can’t define it. They parrot left-wing communist talking points but have never given much thought to the validity of their argument. College students are demanding that they not have to read anything that a white person wrote concerning philosophy, literature, or mathematics. It’s all ‘racist’ you know. They want to be as ignorant as they are stupid. Their ‘teachers’ are promoting this push to ignorance.
Now very young children are exposed to perversion and hatred of their ancestry at the hands of ‘teachers’. White people are bad! Everyone else is virtuous.
Ashkenazi jewish Professors Feldman, Karlan, and Gerhardt appeared in Schiffs sham of impeachment of President Trump. Professor Feldman has argued that Sharia law is superior to western law in terms of fairness. He is a complete moron because he thinks President Trump should be impeached because he follows western law. Professor Karlan embarrassed herself as she inferred that the President should be impeached because he named his son ‘Barron’. Gerhardt is another babbling moron who has a terminal case of TDS. And to think, these people teach at ‘universities’. No wonder kids are so dumb.
I have seen the mental destruction first hand. Some twenty years ago, I coached Pop Warner football. Midway through a season, I realized the reality of a failed education system. Offense in football requires players to know formation, play assignments, and snap counts. It hit me that all of the players who touched the football were home-schooled kids. The center, the quarterback, the two running backs - all home schooled. Why? They were the only kids on the team that could remember a play or even a snap count.
I coached basketball. I showed my team a pick and roll. Set a pick and roll to the basket for a possible pass. My best player matter of factly said to me, “Oh Coach, we’ll never remember that.” I went home and punched a hole in a door. I couldn’t take their stupidity any more. Congratulations teachers. You have dumbed these kids down to a zoo animal status of intellect.
Teachers have joined the wicked as they encourage life choices like transgenderism on young children who are yet to become aware of who they are as individuals. I find it absolutely incredible that these people can worry so much about teenagers vaping e-cigarettes while at the same time they encourage genital mutilation to subvert individuality. Teenagers are too young and immature to be given the option of vaping or drinking alcohol but not too young to decide to have an abortion or change their biologic sex.
Teachers celebrate Barrack Obama as a great leader while their pathetic students do not know that Mr. Obama and his democrat friends destroyed healthcare insurance for me and just about every other working person that I know. They try to teach the unfortunate students that President Trump is a criminal and a fraud. It seems to me that the real criminal and fraudulent activity is that the US indoctrination system goes on every day ruining more and more young lives. The President Trump road paver has reveled the US ‘education’ system as one of simply fascist indoctrination. Check the local college campus.
Feel free to watch any video available as college students are interviewed. Clearly, they are getting participation trophies as they seem to know nothing about anything.
New York City is re-evaluating their public school system’s merit driven academic programs because they are dominated with caucasian and asian students. Thus, in the world of deranged leftists, this is a racist idea and will be terminated. In keeping with a consistent thought, I would also assume then that NYC will terminate all of its athletic programs because black students tend to over-represent participation and therefore they are racist as well. I will wait breathlessly for the announcement.
A Cuthbertson High School teacher was allegedly irritated that VP Pence was visiting North Carolina. She told her students that he should be shot.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez unintended humor of the day: “I think this new generation is very profound, and very strong, and very brave, because they’re actually willing to go to the streets,” she said. “How about that? Previous generations were never willing to ‘take to the streets’ to oppose reprehensible institutions like slavery, or march for civil rights, or to protest over unjust wars like Viet Nam. Well, ‘this generation’ of AOC followers are certainly the most arrogantly righteous, blissfully ignorant, mind-numbingly indoctrinated generation in recent memory. Since the left killed comedy, very few people make me laugh out loud anymore. AOC does the trick. In the words of Buggs Bunny, “What a maroon!” Take a bow Boston College. One of your alumni is showing off her college learnin’.
The icing on the cake is this. San Diego State offers a class that teaches pedophilia is just another ‘sexual orientation’. And don’t forget kiddies, make sure you highlight that one on your resume. Hint: Google and Starbucks might think that is cool but the rest of the world sort of frowns on child molesting.
Don’t subject your children to these satanic institutions. Home school your kids. Teachers have their own greasy spot on the MAGA Road.
The Federal Reserve Bank.
This is Satan’s ‘Swiss army knife’.
From 8/28/19: Ex-NY Federal Reserve President Dudley said the Fed should fight Trump’s ‘trade war’ even if they have to do whatever is necessary to prohibit the re-election of the President. So much or being ‘apolitical’. So much for ‘independence’. So much for being on ‘America’s side’.
The Fed tried to do their part in derailing the Trump paver. They tried raising interest rates for the first time in a decade to mute the economy. The Fed has always been greasy in a criminal way. Now to those paying attention, the Fed is a greasy spot on the MAGA Road.
If readers know nothing else about antifa, they should see the video of an antifa member assailing a older man confined to a wheelchair. The big tough antifa animal stole the man’s water bottle from him and proceeded to douse the defenseless man in his wheelchair. This is all anyone needs to know about this vermin fascist organization known as antifa. We know why they cover their faces. They are all shameful excuses of human beings. God will deal with them after He scrapes them off of the MAGA Road.
I put that one in quotes to differentiate true Christians from the CINOs (Christian In Name Only). Many churches are welcoming the LGBTQ philosophy to the pulpit. Being a real Christian ain’t easy. It requires an adherence to righteousness. All humans fail but Christians are called to follow the teachings of the Bible and of course, Jesus Christ. Like Muslims, the LGBTQ community has not come to ‘assimilate’. Rather, they want everyone else to conform to their ideas. ‘Christianity’ is now watered down.
Take former President Jimmy Carter. He said President Trump was an ‘illegitimate President’ because of his colluding with Russia to win the election. As this accusation has been levied without a shred of truth, it is simply a false charge. I have read that Mr. Carter teaches Sunday School at his church. I wonder if Mr. Carter ever teaches the Ten Commandments? The Eighth Commandment succinctly states: ‘Thous shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor’. In other words, it is morally wrong to accuse other people of transgressions without proof.
On 9/18/19, Duke University banned a christian group from organizing because the group does not allow for homosexual behavior. Duke was started by the Methodist Church. The schools motto is ‘Knowledge and Faith’. It is easy to see why christianity in the US is on the decline. ‘Christians’ have surrendered their institutions to the wicked.
Barrack Obama.
Perhaps Mr. Obama was behind the coup attempt of President Trump. Perhaps Lindsey Graham will provide evidence. Again, I will be waiting breathlessly. In interest of time, the Obama legacy will be one of corruption, sedition, misery, division, and government domination. He mocked President Trump’s motto of ‘Make America Great Again’ by sarcastically asking, does he have some kind of ‘magic wand’. Well, President Trump erased Obama’s legacy of high taxes and high regulation and the economy responded with the best growth in years. President Obama’s legacy will rest beside that of Woodrow Wilson as a blueprint for how to destroy America. Obama’s greasy spot is paved into President Trump’s MAGA Road.
Let’s bring in another TDS suffering ‘actor’. Robert Redford stated, ‘We’re up against a crisis I never thought I’d see in my lifetime: a dictator-like attack by President Donald Trump on everything this country stands for,” as he begged both political parties to do something.
Here is what President Trump ‘stands for’, Mr. Redford as explained by a businessman and not a person who pretends to be other people. Recently, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan responded to the idea that the US economy was moving toward a recession: “But what’s going to make that happen is the underling U.S. consumer. And the underlying consumer is doing well and making more money, they're employed; and more importantly, they are spending more money.”
How did this happen? President Trump cut regulations and lowered taxes. See the afore mentioned ‘magic wand’. That combination is like a crucifix to these socialist demons attacking President Trump.
And to think, the democrats want to stop this winning and road paving by impeaching President Trump. Now consider who is really the enemy of the common man and liberty. Next to the evil left, President Trump is starting to look practically like a saint!
Friday, December 27, 2019
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Federal Reserve Bank ‘Guarantees’ Dow Will Not Sink Below 26k
By Barry Ferguson
Today is an important day for people like myself. I have maintained for years that the Federal Reserve Bank is an evil institution and their only goal is enslavement of humans. They accomplish this task with multiple weapons. Their best weapon is the stupidity of those humans who don’t seem to understand any more about their world than does the burrow harnessed to a grinding wheel. They just keep going round and round and the only person getting anywhere is the owner of the grinding wheel. That would be the Fed.
Another powerful weapon they use is the stock market. As long as the Dow continues to advance higher, no one will question how it got there. And, as long as the Dow advances, the idiots that invest their money will continue to exude arrogance of their investment knowledge. At the end of the day, investors know nothing about anything. The Dow Jones Industrial average is now simply a carrot to keep the burrow walking in a circle.
There is a lot of talk about an impending recession in the markets. President Trump remains under siege attacked daily by wicked forces he does not completely understand. I could lay out a litany of worries that should give investors a reason to at least pause and reassess the landscape. But let me help with a bit of truth.
There are no markets. Nothing trades freely with buyers and sellers setting prices. The world is contrived now. People can pretend to be different genders. They can pretend to be politicians that ‘represent the electorate’. They can pretend that a world dominated by central bankers can be equitable and affluent. Reality is nodding its head.
With stocks and investing, nothing matters except what the Fed is doing. They raise interest rates, they buy stocks, they punish stock sellers, they destroy owners of put options, and they manipulate asset prices every second of every day. I don’t care what they say. They are liars and frauds. People are slaves and idiots for believing them.
It should seem obvious that the Fed sets prices and over time they do so in systematic steps. Being fraudulent, they don’t need silly things like corporate earnings or actual truthful economic data to accomplish their goal. Their corral of greed and ignorance is open and citizens and investors keep running in there apparently none the wiser that they are eventually going to be slaughtered.
These systematic steps can be seen on the charts if one is honest and knows what to look for. The Fed seems to be very comfortable with big round numbers. I have included a chart of the Dow over the last five years with green horizontal lines marking these round numbers. We can see from that chart that Dow 18k was an important level for the Fed to surmount. They finally did so in spite of the Obama disaster of a presidency. Once they achieve a goal, they never give it up.
They then work the Dow like a step ladder 2,000 points at a time. After Dow 18k, the Fed set its next target at 20k. Once achieved, 22k. Once achieved, 24k. They may have overshot their 24k with all their ‘happy talk’ and the Dow ran up to 26k. Now notice the chart below. The Dow sank to the 24k step and the Fed defended that mark and pushed the Dow back to 26k. Again, reality popped out for a moment and selling pushed the Dow below 24k all the way to 22k by the end of 2018. That’s where it really becomes apparent that the Fed goes to work.
Did I mention that the Fed will never give up ground? Or, in our example of the ladder leading to the heavens, the Fed will never cede a step on the ladder that they have worked so hard to construct. The Fed immediately pushed the Dow higher by 4,000 points, or two ladder steps, to get the Dow back above 26k.
Since Q1 of 2019, the Dow has dropped below the 26k mark four times including today. Every time, the Fed immediately unloaded barrages of stock buying to keep the index above 26k.
Why is today, October 3, 2019 important?
One, the month of October can be problematic for stocks and the Fed does not want a mass selling exodus. So, they manipulate the index. This was a PPT day (Plunge Protection Team).
Two, the Dow has every reason to fall. Economic data is eroding and american politicians are trying to destroy the country form the inside out. Manufacturing has been waning for some time now but today the services index, the biggest part of the economy, reported slower activity as well.
So, the Dow fell almost 300 points at the open only to experience a 400-plus point recovery that only took about an hour to complete putting the Dow firmly back into positive territory for the day. I am so confident that the Fed will not allow selling to drive down the market today that I am writing this piece in mid-afternoon knowing there will be no need to edit anything at the end of the day.
We live in a fraudulent world. Everything is a con and a scam. Nothing is real. Everything is manipulated. The next goal for the manipulators is Dow 28k and then 30k and beyond. Take a look at the chart below to see how this ridiculousness has become reality.
DJIA 5 year weekly, green bars represent 2,000 point increments
Chart courtesy
Now, let’s look at the Federal Reserve’s behavior. It is not what they say but what they do. The Fed completely controls the Fed Funds Rate. I have included a 5-year chart of the Fed Funds below. As I have said for years if not decades, the Fed only has one goal and it ain’t the one the media quotes. That crap about inflation and employment is for stupid people. If you are reading this, you know better.
Very simply, the Fed raises and lowers the Fed Funds Rate in response to what the stock market is doing. And, since the Fed is part of the illuminati plan to destroy President Trump, they embarked on a pretty steep rate ascent to respond to the vibrant stock increase no doubt spurred on by President Trump’s election. When the Dow began to stumble in the Spring this year, the Fed responded by cutting rates. They will continue to cut rates until the Dow rises above 28k. Yes, they are evil, fraudulent, and serial manipulators. See the chart below and you will understand the Fed and their actions. Notice the Dow and Fed Funds are very similar patterns.
I haven’t even touched on the latest Fed quantitative easing through the repo market. I love this scam. The Fed exchanges freshly printed money stolen from the citizens through the cost of inflation for stocks owned by banks. The banks use the money to speculate and gamble and the next day the Fed gives the banks their stocks back and the banks give the Fed their money back. In the meantime, the banks can’t lose because the Fed intervenes in the stock market to push stock prices higher to enrich the banks with appreciated shares upon return. That’s the reality of the repo exercise.
Question. Why repo now? My guess is the banks have been riding the Fed’s sidecar buying stocks with abandon and they have run out of money. Thus, stock prices started to slide south again. To keep the party going, the Fed just brought in another keg. Enjoy the rally, suckers!
Fed Funds Rate 5 years
Source: Federal Funds Rate - 62 Year Historical Chart
Disclaimer: The views discussed in this article are solely the opinion of the writer and have been presented for educational purposes. They are not meant to serve as individual investment advice and should not be taken as such. BMF Investments, Inc. assumes no liability nor credit for any actions taken based on this article.
By Barry Ferguson
Today is an important day for people like myself. I have maintained for years that the Federal Reserve Bank is an evil institution and their only goal is enslavement of humans. They accomplish this task with multiple weapons. Their best weapon is the stupidity of those humans who don’t seem to understand any more about their world than does the burrow harnessed to a grinding wheel. They just keep going round and round and the only person getting anywhere is the owner of the grinding wheel. That would be the Fed.
Another powerful weapon they use is the stock market. As long as the Dow continues to advance higher, no one will question how it got there. And, as long as the Dow advances, the idiots that invest their money will continue to exude arrogance of their investment knowledge. At the end of the day, investors know nothing about anything. The Dow Jones Industrial average is now simply a carrot to keep the burrow walking in a circle.
There is a lot of talk about an impending recession in the markets. President Trump remains under siege attacked daily by wicked forces he does not completely understand. I could lay out a litany of worries that should give investors a reason to at least pause and reassess the landscape. But let me help with a bit of truth.
There are no markets. Nothing trades freely with buyers and sellers setting prices. The world is contrived now. People can pretend to be different genders. They can pretend to be politicians that ‘represent the electorate’. They can pretend that a world dominated by central bankers can be equitable and affluent. Reality is nodding its head.
With stocks and investing, nothing matters except what the Fed is doing. They raise interest rates, they buy stocks, they punish stock sellers, they destroy owners of put options, and they manipulate asset prices every second of every day. I don’t care what they say. They are liars and frauds. People are slaves and idiots for believing them.
It should seem obvious that the Fed sets prices and over time they do so in systematic steps. Being fraudulent, they don’t need silly things like corporate earnings or actual truthful economic data to accomplish their goal. Their corral of greed and ignorance is open and citizens and investors keep running in there apparently none the wiser that they are eventually going to be slaughtered.
These systematic steps can be seen on the charts if one is honest and knows what to look for. The Fed seems to be very comfortable with big round numbers. I have included a chart of the Dow over the last five years with green horizontal lines marking these round numbers. We can see from that chart that Dow 18k was an important level for the Fed to surmount. They finally did so in spite of the Obama disaster of a presidency. Once they achieve a goal, they never give it up.
They then work the Dow like a step ladder 2,000 points at a time. After Dow 18k, the Fed set its next target at 20k. Once achieved, 22k. Once achieved, 24k. They may have overshot their 24k with all their ‘happy talk’ and the Dow ran up to 26k. Now notice the chart below. The Dow sank to the 24k step and the Fed defended that mark and pushed the Dow back to 26k. Again, reality popped out for a moment and selling pushed the Dow below 24k all the way to 22k by the end of 2018. That’s where it really becomes apparent that the Fed goes to work.
Did I mention that the Fed will never give up ground? Or, in our example of the ladder leading to the heavens, the Fed will never cede a step on the ladder that they have worked so hard to construct. The Fed immediately pushed the Dow higher by 4,000 points, or two ladder steps, to get the Dow back above 26k.
Since Q1 of 2019, the Dow has dropped below the 26k mark four times including today. Every time, the Fed immediately unloaded barrages of stock buying to keep the index above 26k.
Why is today, October 3, 2019 important?
One, the month of October can be problematic for stocks and the Fed does not want a mass selling exodus. So, they manipulate the index. This was a PPT day (Plunge Protection Team).
Two, the Dow has every reason to fall. Economic data is eroding and american politicians are trying to destroy the country form the inside out. Manufacturing has been waning for some time now but today the services index, the biggest part of the economy, reported slower activity as well.
So, the Dow fell almost 300 points at the open only to experience a 400-plus point recovery that only took about an hour to complete putting the Dow firmly back into positive territory for the day. I am so confident that the Fed will not allow selling to drive down the market today that I am writing this piece in mid-afternoon knowing there will be no need to edit anything at the end of the day.
We live in a fraudulent world. Everything is a con and a scam. Nothing is real. Everything is manipulated. The next goal for the manipulators is Dow 28k and then 30k and beyond. Take a look at the chart below to see how this ridiculousness has become reality.
Chart courtesy
Now, let’s look at the Federal Reserve’s behavior. It is not what they say but what they do. The Fed completely controls the Fed Funds Rate. I have included a 5-year chart of the Fed Funds below. As I have said for years if not decades, the Fed only has one goal and it ain’t the one the media quotes. That crap about inflation and employment is for stupid people. If you are reading this, you know better.
Very simply, the Fed raises and lowers the Fed Funds Rate in response to what the stock market is doing. And, since the Fed is part of the illuminati plan to destroy President Trump, they embarked on a pretty steep rate ascent to respond to the vibrant stock increase no doubt spurred on by President Trump’s election. When the Dow began to stumble in the Spring this year, the Fed responded by cutting rates. They will continue to cut rates until the Dow rises above 28k. Yes, they are evil, fraudulent, and serial manipulators. See the chart below and you will understand the Fed and their actions. Notice the Dow and Fed Funds are very similar patterns.
I haven’t even touched on the latest Fed quantitative easing through the repo market. I love this scam. The Fed exchanges freshly printed money stolen from the citizens through the cost of inflation for stocks owned by banks. The banks use the money to speculate and gamble and the next day the Fed gives the banks their stocks back and the banks give the Fed their money back. In the meantime, the banks can’t lose because the Fed intervenes in the stock market to push stock prices higher to enrich the banks with appreciated shares upon return. That’s the reality of the repo exercise.
Question. Why repo now? My guess is the banks have been riding the Fed’s sidecar buying stocks with abandon and they have run out of money. Thus, stock prices started to slide south again. To keep the party going, the Fed just brought in another keg. Enjoy the rally, suckers!
Fed Funds Rate 5 years
Source: Federal Funds Rate - 62 Year Historical Chart
Disclaimer: The views discussed in this article are solely the opinion of the writer and have been presented for educational purposes. They are not meant to serve as individual investment advice and should not be taken as such. BMF Investments, Inc. assumes no liability nor credit for any actions taken based on this article.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Has My White Supremacy Membership Been Terminated?
By Barry Ferguson
I am an aging white guy. So, automatically that makes me a racist, white supremacist, white nationalist, Nazi, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, oppressor of all people who don’t look like me. Whatever. Like the gay community, we white people should have our own identity set of letters. Instead of LGBT we should be referred to as ‘RWsWnNMXHO’. I think there is a letter in there to describe us white people as the media would refer to us.
Since the left and the MSM paint us all with the same brush of disdain, one can imagine how I feel since I have apparently been terminated from the white supremacist crowd. Where do I fit in now? Let me explain so readers can understand my, uh…, triggered feelings.
Following the horrible murderous events that took place in El Paso and Dayton this early August of 2019, President Trump ordered US flags to be flown at half mast out of respect for those lives lost at the hands of deranged murderers. The President ordered the flags to fly half mast through August 8, 2019. Well, you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
Luckily we have an MSM network that is the white supremacy network as they constantly harp on the subject (so I read). MSNBC in particular had a discussion, featuring some guy named Malcolm Nance and host Chris Matthews, in which they outlined the significance of August 8, 2019. I saw the video on Mr. Nance reminded us all that August 8 is the eighth month of the year and combined with the eighth day of the year gives us ’88’. And you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
That number is significant because the eighth number of the alphabet is the letter ‘H’. And you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
Two ‘Hs’ together gives us the white supremacy code for ‘Heil Hitler’. Apparently, according to the MSNBC people, this is a ‘dog whistle’ that white supremacist in chief, President Trump, sent out to his white supremacist followers.
Well, until MSNBC was kind enough to point all this out, I was oblivious. Me, a Scots-Irish white guy! I didn’t hear a dog whistle. I thought President Trump was just being respectful to those who were murdered. Fortunately, MSNBC is all about white supremacy and racism and all that stuff so now I know.
However, should I feel bad? Have I been expelled from alleged white supremacy?
No one called me to alert me on the ‘HH’ thing. I’m a white guy and not a single solitary white guy alerted me to the fact that August 8 was ‘Heil Hitler’ day. Not one word. Nobody. Of all the conversations I’ve had with white folk, the HH thing never came up. Ever!! Not Once!! Thank goodness for MSNBC and Chris Matthews to remind us of bigotry, hatred, and racism.
But I wonder - have I been expelled? I didn’t hear the ‘dog whistle’. I didn’t realize what day it was, August 8, in MSNBC nazi-land.
What sort of pathetic people listen to this drivel every day? Sadly, this sort of idiocy has been around a while. Sadly, thanks to outlets like MSNBC, it will never go away.
Allow me to indulge in a little story so the idiocy of people like Chris Matthews and Malcolm Nance is apparent to all.
Where I live here in the south, NASCAR racing is the big sport. They still sing the National Anthem before every race. No one takes a knee. They still have a member of clergy deliver a prayer before the race starts. If the President invites a champion driver to the White House, the driver humbly and graciously accepts the invitation and takes his crew with him. I guess there is a certain soulness of being born a Southerner. There is a certain amount of respect we have for our country and our countrymen. Black, white, male, female, whatever country you are from - it doesn’t matter down here. Just learn a little bit of a speaking drawl and you are in.
Anyway, there has probably never been a more revered NASCAR driver than Dale Earnhardt. Tragically, he was killed a few years back at the 2001 Daytona 500.
Years before, Dale Earnhardt set up shop just outside Mooresville, NC on a winding two-lane road leading out of town headed towards his hometown of Kannapolis just a few miles to the east. I have driven by his shop a million times. Nothing audacious. Plain looking office-like building with a large garage area. No signs. Not a single sign on the road. Not a single sign on the building. Not on the door or the windows. If you are from around here, you just know. That’s southern confidence. That’s southern pride. That’s humility. That’s greatness.
Often times one can drive by the Earnhardt compound and see cars stopped along side that two-lane road in front of the building. Some are taking photographs. Others are weeping. ‘Worship’ is a strong word but we southerners know what’s real and what’s fake. Dale Earnhardt was real and we respect that. The state even changed the name of the highway where the Earnhardt shop is located to ‘Highway 3’ - his car number.
His son, Dale Jr., who was in his second NASCAR season won second place (if I remember) in that race. Dale Jr. took over where his father left off as he immediately became the fan favorite. He drove for the family team for a few years before a falling out with his step-mother forced him to form his own team. The number of his new car was 88. The number was assigned by NASCAR.
If you have read this far, I thank you for your indulgence. I tell this story because Dale Earnhardt Jr. was accused of driving a ‘white supremacist’ car because the number of the car was 88. This is insane, delusional thinking. People that think this way should seek therapy immediately.
Now with that perspective, how utterly obscenely ridiculous does Mr. Nance sound? How pathetically stupid does Chris Matthews sound? How vulgar and bigoted does this whole ‘white supremacy’ line sound? And for the record, I believe FBI statistics would show that there are an estimated several hundred actual Nazi affiliates in the US and maybe several thousand Klan members. That’s it.
From where does this mentality emanate?
In a 2012 speech, President Barack Obama said the following: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
This is one of the most arrogant, most condescending, most spiteful, most contemptible, most disrespectful speeches ever lectured to Americans. For the record, Mr. Obama, what made Dale Earnhardt a living legend was he was the real thing. He learned how to work on cars at his Dad’s garage. No one ever helped him build crap! When he got old enough, he dropped out of school to race cars. He lived race cars 24/7. He could build one as well as drive it. Dale Earnhardt willed his way into racing, found success, became a car owner and built his own team.
And yes, Mr. Obama, Dale Earnhardt did build a business empire himself. No one else ‘made that happen’.
And no, Mr. Obama, when Dale Earnhardt’s car slammed into a wall at close to 200 miles per hour, none of those ‘people that made it happen’ were in the car with him.
It is just asinine how politicians and media types lecture us about subjects of which they know nothing.
I guess some of us just don’t have what it takes to be a supremacist. But those guys on MSNBC…, they seem to be experts!
I am an aging white guy. So, automatically that makes me a racist, white supremacist, white nationalist, Nazi, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, oppressor of all people who don’t look like me. Whatever. Like the gay community, we white people should have our own identity set of letters. Instead of LGBT we should be referred to as ‘RWsWnNMXHO’. I think there is a letter in there to describe us white people as the media would refer to us.
Since the left and the MSM paint us all with the same brush of disdain, one can imagine how I feel since I have apparently been terminated from the white supremacist crowd. Where do I fit in now? Let me explain so readers can understand my, uh…, triggered feelings.
Following the horrible murderous events that took place in El Paso and Dayton this early August of 2019, President Trump ordered US flags to be flown at half mast out of respect for those lives lost at the hands of deranged murderers. The President ordered the flags to fly half mast through August 8, 2019. Well, you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
Luckily we have an MSM network that is the white supremacy network as they constantly harp on the subject (so I read). MSNBC in particular had a discussion, featuring some guy named Malcolm Nance and host Chris Matthews, in which they outlined the significance of August 8, 2019. I saw the video on Mr. Nance reminded us all that August 8 is the eighth month of the year and combined with the eighth day of the year gives us ’88’. And you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
That number is significant because the eighth number of the alphabet is the letter ‘H’. And you know what that means?
If you are like me, not a clue!
Two ‘Hs’ together gives us the white supremacy code for ‘Heil Hitler’. Apparently, according to the MSNBC people, this is a ‘dog whistle’ that white supremacist in chief, President Trump, sent out to his white supremacist followers.
Well, until MSNBC was kind enough to point all this out, I was oblivious. Me, a Scots-Irish white guy! I didn’t hear a dog whistle. I thought President Trump was just being respectful to those who were murdered. Fortunately, MSNBC is all about white supremacy and racism and all that stuff so now I know.
However, should I feel bad? Have I been expelled from alleged white supremacy?
No one called me to alert me on the ‘HH’ thing. I’m a white guy and not a single solitary white guy alerted me to the fact that August 8 was ‘Heil Hitler’ day. Not one word. Nobody. Of all the conversations I’ve had with white folk, the HH thing never came up. Ever!! Not Once!! Thank goodness for MSNBC and Chris Matthews to remind us of bigotry, hatred, and racism.
But I wonder - have I been expelled? I didn’t hear the ‘dog whistle’. I didn’t realize what day it was, August 8, in MSNBC nazi-land.
What sort of pathetic people listen to this drivel every day? Sadly, this sort of idiocy has been around a while. Sadly, thanks to outlets like MSNBC, it will never go away.
Allow me to indulge in a little story so the idiocy of people like Chris Matthews and Malcolm Nance is apparent to all.
Where I live here in the south, NASCAR racing is the big sport. They still sing the National Anthem before every race. No one takes a knee. They still have a member of clergy deliver a prayer before the race starts. If the President invites a champion driver to the White House, the driver humbly and graciously accepts the invitation and takes his crew with him. I guess there is a certain soulness of being born a Southerner. There is a certain amount of respect we have for our country and our countrymen. Black, white, male, female, whatever country you are from - it doesn’t matter down here. Just learn a little bit of a speaking drawl and you are in.
Anyway, there has probably never been a more revered NASCAR driver than Dale Earnhardt. Tragically, he was killed a few years back at the 2001 Daytona 500.
Years before, Dale Earnhardt set up shop just outside Mooresville, NC on a winding two-lane road leading out of town headed towards his hometown of Kannapolis just a few miles to the east. I have driven by his shop a million times. Nothing audacious. Plain looking office-like building with a large garage area. No signs. Not a single sign on the road. Not a single sign on the building. Not on the door or the windows. If you are from around here, you just know. That’s southern confidence. That’s southern pride. That’s humility. That’s greatness.
Often times one can drive by the Earnhardt compound and see cars stopped along side that two-lane road in front of the building. Some are taking photographs. Others are weeping. ‘Worship’ is a strong word but we southerners know what’s real and what’s fake. Dale Earnhardt was real and we respect that. The state even changed the name of the highway where the Earnhardt shop is located to ‘Highway 3’ - his car number.
His son, Dale Jr., who was in his second NASCAR season won second place (if I remember) in that race. Dale Jr. took over where his father left off as he immediately became the fan favorite. He drove for the family team for a few years before a falling out with his step-mother forced him to form his own team. The number of his new car was 88. The number was assigned by NASCAR.
If you have read this far, I thank you for your indulgence. I tell this story because Dale Earnhardt Jr. was accused of driving a ‘white supremacist’ car because the number of the car was 88. This is insane, delusional thinking. People that think this way should seek therapy immediately.
Now with that perspective, how utterly obscenely ridiculous does Mr. Nance sound? How pathetically stupid does Chris Matthews sound? How vulgar and bigoted does this whole ‘white supremacy’ line sound? And for the record, I believe FBI statistics would show that there are an estimated several hundred actual Nazi affiliates in the US and maybe several thousand Klan members. That’s it.
From where does this mentality emanate?
In a 2012 speech, President Barack Obama said the following: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
This is one of the most arrogant, most condescending, most spiteful, most contemptible, most disrespectful speeches ever lectured to Americans. For the record, Mr. Obama, what made Dale Earnhardt a living legend was he was the real thing. He learned how to work on cars at his Dad’s garage. No one ever helped him build crap! When he got old enough, he dropped out of school to race cars. He lived race cars 24/7. He could build one as well as drive it. Dale Earnhardt willed his way into racing, found success, became a car owner and built his own team.
And yes, Mr. Obama, Dale Earnhardt did build a business empire himself. No one else ‘made that happen’.
And no, Mr. Obama, when Dale Earnhardt’s car slammed into a wall at close to 200 miles per hour, none of those ‘people that made it happen’ were in the car with him.
It is just asinine how politicians and media types lecture us about subjects of which they know nothing.
I guess some of us just don’t have what it takes to be a supremacist. But those guys on MSNBC…, they seem to be experts!
Monday, August 5, 2019
Minimum Wage Increases Are Absolutely Stupid
By Barry Ferguson
Stupid is defined as slow to learn or understand. Stupid people generally lack a comprehension of fact and data. This article will illustrate fact and data. Only stupid people refute fact and data.
Yes, I know that pandering politicians say a lot of stupid things. But listening to the politicians, and the imbeciles that support them, blabber on about increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour compels me to offer some intellectual sobriety to the people intoxicated on stupidity.
On the subject of raising the federal minimum wage in the US, every ‘progressive’ is supporting not just increasing the minimum wage but doubling it to $15 per hour. Sure, they cite a study published by an imbecile working at an indoctrination center like ‘Hah-vud’ or ‘Berkeley’ that determines that increasing minimum wages is mostly good with few negatives. Idiots always consult other idiots.
The problem is we have absolute complete morons like Colorado’s ‘presidential candidate’ Hickenlooper who admits he doesn’t know what ‘GDP’ is but he does know how much business should pay workers. God help us.
Bring in the coffee and put down the liquor of cognitive incapacitation. Look at the real world. Look at fact and data.
Let’s go back to the mid-60’s and President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ when the ‘war on poverty’ was declared and see how government intrusion into the business of businesses paying their employees has worked out.
In 1965, the US minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. The poverty rate was about 12%. Government figures.
In 2019, the US minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. The poverty rate is still about 13%. These are government statistics.
If I count correctly, the minimum wage has been raised some 16 times over this period. How have minimum wage increases helped the poor? Do minimum wage increases help anyone?
According to a Pew Research article (, average hourly wages have risen maybe 10% since 1965. However, due to inflation purchasing power has not improved. And yes, the richer are the only ones getting richer as the upper class has enjoyed most of the pay increase.
The minimum wage has risen from $1.25 p/hr to the current $7.25 p/hr since 1965. That is a 580% increase! Clearly minimum wage increases do not ‘trickle up’. So, do minimum wage increases actually help the least paid workers in terms of real earnings and purchasing power?
Using an online inflation calculator ( we can see why wage increases don’t help the poor. If a person purchased an item for $1 dollar in 1965, due to inflation that same item would cost $8.13 in 2019. If you are keeping score, that is a cumulative inflation rate of 713.2%. Clearly, even though minimum wages have increased to $7.25 p/hr., the minimum wage worker is still losing economic purchasing power. They are getting poorer.
Academia and brain dead liberals don’t understand the real world. The real world follows Newton’s third law of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When the government mandates wage increases, the real world reacts. Businesses either cut hours (increased efficiency) or cut workers (globalization) while they raise prices for goods produced or services rendered.
But why do profoundly stupid people promote a minimum wage increase to $15 per hour? Well, I guess I answered the question within the question. They are simply stupid. Clearly the human species is devolving with regard to intellect. But let’s apply intellect to the argument.
Let’s use 1965 as our baseline. I will use ‘MW’ for minimum wage. I will use the above referenced inflation calculator for my math with rolling 10-year periods.
1965 - MW was $1.25 p/hr. Let’s assume a loaf of bread cost $1.25 in 1965. A minimum wage earner could buy one loaf of bread for an hour’s work. This is our baseline. Let’s start upping the minimum wage and see what has happened over time as inflation factors in to prices of goods (US government CPI figures only).
1975 - MW was $2.10 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $2.13.
1985 - MW was $3.35 p;hr. The loaf of bread now costs $4.20.
1995 - MW was $4.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $5.95.
2005 - MW was $5.15 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $5.45.
2015 - MW was $7.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $6.25.
2019 - MW was $7.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $7.84.
As we can see, simply mandating a minimum wage increase serves to further impoverish workers because inflation always rises faster than wages grow. Question: Do higher wages instigate inflation?
The answer is they are a factor. However, I would argue the main factor in the inflationary destruction of purchasing power is the Federal Reserve who openly speak of attempting to push 2% annual inflation with their money printing. Simply put, the Federal Reserve manipulates interest rates and money supply to the detriment of the average citizen. Why then is the Federal Reserve not categorized as a ‘terrorist organization’? Just asking…
So, in the past 50 years, the minimum wage has been raised 16 times and yet the minimum wage worker has about 30% less purchasing power that they had in 1965. Stated inversely, $7.25 in 2019 dollar value would be $.89 cents in 1965 dollar value. Or, if you will, minimum wage workers actually make less today than they did 50 years ago in terms of purchasing power. Raising minimum wages does not alleviate poverty nor does it help the poor.
Now, look back at the period 2005 - 2015. I have italicized and made the text bold. While our loaf of bread increased in price during the period, the increase of minimum wages to $7.25 p/hr in 2009 actually resulted in more purchasing power. This is the only rolling ten year period in our example above in which the worker gained. What was different in this period?
One could argue two points. One, at some point rising wages crimp the economy and we have a recession. Clearly the period between 2005 and 2015 was mostly recessionary. But, this story is far more complicated than that. We could call AOC to straighten it out for us but she’s not available right now. I think she is busy giving a tour of the three branches of Congress to the women’s soccer team.
The second point is that inflation is the real culprit that punishes wage increases. If we stopped inflation, there would be no need to raise wages arbitrarily. Wage increases should always rise from increased productivity.
During this period from 2005 - 2015, the Fed lowered interest rates to zero. Who benefitted? Workers. Who suffered? Banks. So, can we conclude banks win when workers lose? Yes, the Federal Reserve is a private bank that works to enrich their member banks at the expense of impoverishing workers. I would also argue that the ‘great recession of the 2000’s was a banker recession. The average business and the average worker did not lose ground. Everything the Fed has done has been done to make the rich richer. Gee, I wonder if anyone could have told us this before? Oh yes, Andrew Jackson did in 1832 when he exterminated the central bank of his time. Killing inflation is more beneficial than mandating wage increases.
Conclusion: Mandating minimum wage increases in a vacuum is stupider than a sippy cup lid covering Joey Chestnut’s water cup at the Nathan’s Hot Dog eating competition.
For some quick fun, how did the minimum wage worker make out under Obama? Mr. Obama (2009 - 2016) immediately raised the minimum wage to $7.25 p/hr in July of 2009. You know - to help the poor and all that. Well, our exemplative loaf of bread cost $7.25 in 2009 and by 2016 the same loaf cost $8.11 and the minimum wage worker was still making $7.25 p/hr. Oops, the poor people got poorer in terms of wages under Mr. Obama.
What about his predecessor Bush II? Minimum wage was $5.15 p/hr in 2001 so our loaf of bread cost $5.15. Eight long years later and the minimum wage was raised to $6.55 p/hr but the loaf of bread was now only inflated to $6.26. How about that? Our minimum wage worker actually gained some purchasing power during this period.
To be fair, how is President Trump fairing? Though Mr. Trump has not yet served 3 years as President, the minimum wage worker is again falling behind due to inflation.
Is it the politics?
No, again, it is the Federal Reserve Bank. Remember, 2001 to 2008 was marked by the demolition of the Twin Towers and a rolling banking crisis. The Fed printed money, raised rates, lowered rates, and saved banks.
So what have we learned kids?
Deflation. Good for us. Bad for banks.
Inflation. Bad for us. Good for banks.
When the banks win with bailouts, the wage earners lose due to Federal Reserve bailout money that stimulates inflation. Mandated minimum wage increases should therefore be thought of as detrimental to the average worker. Clearly, they do not help the poor. To think otherwise is just stupid.
Oh, please send this article to every imbecilic politician who is pro-minimum wage increase. They need to know just how stupid they really are.
Disclaimer: The views discussed in this article are solely the opinion of the writer and have been presented for educational purposes. They are not meant to serve as individual investment advice and should not be taken as such. BMF Investments, Inc. assumes no liability nor credit for any actions taken based on this article.
Copyright © 2018 BMF Investments, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Stupid is defined as slow to learn or understand. Stupid people generally lack a comprehension of fact and data. This article will illustrate fact and data. Only stupid people refute fact and data.
Yes, I know that pandering politicians say a lot of stupid things. But listening to the politicians, and the imbeciles that support them, blabber on about increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour compels me to offer some intellectual sobriety to the people intoxicated on stupidity.
On the subject of raising the federal minimum wage in the US, every ‘progressive’ is supporting not just increasing the minimum wage but doubling it to $15 per hour. Sure, they cite a study published by an imbecile working at an indoctrination center like ‘Hah-vud’ or ‘Berkeley’ that determines that increasing minimum wages is mostly good with few negatives. Idiots always consult other idiots.
The problem is we have absolute complete morons like Colorado’s ‘presidential candidate’ Hickenlooper who admits he doesn’t know what ‘GDP’ is but he does know how much business should pay workers. God help us.
Bring in the coffee and put down the liquor of cognitive incapacitation. Look at the real world. Look at fact and data.
Let’s go back to the mid-60’s and President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ when the ‘war on poverty’ was declared and see how government intrusion into the business of businesses paying their employees has worked out.
In 1965, the US minimum wage was $1.25 per hour. The poverty rate was about 12%. Government figures.
In 2019, the US minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. The poverty rate is still about 13%. These are government statistics.
If I count correctly, the minimum wage has been raised some 16 times over this period. How have minimum wage increases helped the poor? Do minimum wage increases help anyone?
According to a Pew Research article (, average hourly wages have risen maybe 10% since 1965. However, due to inflation purchasing power has not improved. And yes, the richer are the only ones getting richer as the upper class has enjoyed most of the pay increase.
The minimum wage has risen from $1.25 p/hr to the current $7.25 p/hr since 1965. That is a 580% increase! Clearly minimum wage increases do not ‘trickle up’. So, do minimum wage increases actually help the least paid workers in terms of real earnings and purchasing power?
Using an online inflation calculator ( we can see why wage increases don’t help the poor. If a person purchased an item for $1 dollar in 1965, due to inflation that same item would cost $8.13 in 2019. If you are keeping score, that is a cumulative inflation rate of 713.2%. Clearly, even though minimum wages have increased to $7.25 p/hr., the minimum wage worker is still losing economic purchasing power. They are getting poorer.
Academia and brain dead liberals don’t understand the real world. The real world follows Newton’s third law of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When the government mandates wage increases, the real world reacts. Businesses either cut hours (increased efficiency) or cut workers (globalization) while they raise prices for goods produced or services rendered.
But why do profoundly stupid people promote a minimum wage increase to $15 per hour? Well, I guess I answered the question within the question. They are simply stupid. Clearly the human species is devolving with regard to intellect. But let’s apply intellect to the argument.
Let’s use 1965 as our baseline. I will use ‘MW’ for minimum wage. I will use the above referenced inflation calculator for my math with rolling 10-year periods.
1965 - MW was $1.25 p/hr. Let’s assume a loaf of bread cost $1.25 in 1965. A minimum wage earner could buy one loaf of bread for an hour’s work. This is our baseline. Let’s start upping the minimum wage and see what has happened over time as inflation factors in to prices of goods (US government CPI figures only).
1975 - MW was $2.10 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $2.13.
1985 - MW was $3.35 p;hr. The loaf of bread now costs $4.20.
1995 - MW was $4.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $5.95.
2005 - MW was $5.15 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $5.45.
2015 - MW was $7.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $6.25.
2019 - MW was $7.25 p/hr. The loaf of bread now costs $7.84.
As we can see, simply mandating a minimum wage increase serves to further impoverish workers because inflation always rises faster than wages grow. Question: Do higher wages instigate inflation?
The answer is they are a factor. However, I would argue the main factor in the inflationary destruction of purchasing power is the Federal Reserve who openly speak of attempting to push 2% annual inflation with their money printing. Simply put, the Federal Reserve manipulates interest rates and money supply to the detriment of the average citizen. Why then is the Federal Reserve not categorized as a ‘terrorist organization’? Just asking…
So, in the past 50 years, the minimum wage has been raised 16 times and yet the minimum wage worker has about 30% less purchasing power that they had in 1965. Stated inversely, $7.25 in 2019 dollar value would be $.89 cents in 1965 dollar value. Or, if you will, minimum wage workers actually make less today than they did 50 years ago in terms of purchasing power. Raising minimum wages does not alleviate poverty nor does it help the poor.
Now, look back at the period 2005 - 2015. I have italicized and made the text bold. While our loaf of bread increased in price during the period, the increase of minimum wages to $7.25 p/hr in 2009 actually resulted in more purchasing power. This is the only rolling ten year period in our example above in which the worker gained. What was different in this period?
One could argue two points. One, at some point rising wages crimp the economy and we have a recession. Clearly the period between 2005 and 2015 was mostly recessionary. But, this story is far more complicated than that. We could call AOC to straighten it out for us but she’s not available right now. I think she is busy giving a tour of the three branches of Congress to the women’s soccer team.
The second point is that inflation is the real culprit that punishes wage increases. If we stopped inflation, there would be no need to raise wages arbitrarily. Wage increases should always rise from increased productivity.
During this period from 2005 - 2015, the Fed lowered interest rates to zero. Who benefitted? Workers. Who suffered? Banks. So, can we conclude banks win when workers lose? Yes, the Federal Reserve is a private bank that works to enrich their member banks at the expense of impoverishing workers. I would also argue that the ‘great recession of the 2000’s was a banker recession. The average business and the average worker did not lose ground. Everything the Fed has done has been done to make the rich richer. Gee, I wonder if anyone could have told us this before? Oh yes, Andrew Jackson did in 1832 when he exterminated the central bank of his time. Killing inflation is more beneficial than mandating wage increases.
Conclusion: Mandating minimum wage increases in a vacuum is stupider than a sippy cup lid covering Joey Chestnut’s water cup at the Nathan’s Hot Dog eating competition.
For some quick fun, how did the minimum wage worker make out under Obama? Mr. Obama (2009 - 2016) immediately raised the minimum wage to $7.25 p/hr in July of 2009. You know - to help the poor and all that. Well, our exemplative loaf of bread cost $7.25 in 2009 and by 2016 the same loaf cost $8.11 and the minimum wage worker was still making $7.25 p/hr. Oops, the poor people got poorer in terms of wages under Mr. Obama.
What about his predecessor Bush II? Minimum wage was $5.15 p/hr in 2001 so our loaf of bread cost $5.15. Eight long years later and the minimum wage was raised to $6.55 p/hr but the loaf of bread was now only inflated to $6.26. How about that? Our minimum wage worker actually gained some purchasing power during this period.
To be fair, how is President Trump fairing? Though Mr. Trump has not yet served 3 years as President, the minimum wage worker is again falling behind due to inflation.
Is it the politics?
No, again, it is the Federal Reserve Bank. Remember, 2001 to 2008 was marked by the demolition of the Twin Towers and a rolling banking crisis. The Fed printed money, raised rates, lowered rates, and saved banks.
So what have we learned kids?
Deflation. Good for us. Bad for banks.
Inflation. Bad for us. Good for banks.
When the banks win with bailouts, the wage earners lose due to Federal Reserve bailout money that stimulates inflation. Mandated minimum wage increases should therefore be thought of as detrimental to the average worker. Clearly, they do not help the poor. To think otherwise is just stupid.
Oh, please send this article to every imbecilic politician who is pro-minimum wage increase. They need to know just how stupid they really are.
Disclaimer: The views discussed in this article are solely the opinion of the writer and have been presented for educational purposes. They are not meant to serve as individual investment advice and should not be taken as such. BMF Investments, Inc. assumes no liability nor credit for any actions taken based on this article.
Copyright © 2018 BMF Investments, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Thursday, June 27, 2019
The Trump Trap May Be Triggered
From the Christian Bible, John 8:32 - Jesus speaking: “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
So, we have it on pretty good authority, Jesus Christ, that freedom is spawned from truth. If humans want to be free, they must therefore seek the truth.
The current day media, news - sports - financial, has gone full bore communist state mouth piece. They only report what they want us to believe. Deceivers push falsehoods to enhance their own power with the hope of enslaving the masses. The serpent doesn’t use an apple today. The serpent uses the microphone, politicians, entertainers, complete human ignorance, electronic media, and social media for deceit.
This is a truth we know. Low taxes plus low government regulation results in robust economies. Yet, no government on Earth facilitates this truth. In fact, they are the opposite and therefore in a spiritual sense, evil.
President Trump should be credited with moving in this direction - lower taxes and lower regulation. To be sure, much more needs to be done. As the President fights this battle, he has been vehemently opposed by the dark side who are committed to doing all in their power to inhibit President Trump and ultimately destroy him. How? Lies, lies, and more lies. Every dirty trick and every imaginable illegal tactic has been thrown at President Trump. Yet, he still stands. This leads us to wonder what is left for the left to throw at President Trump? No pun intended but there is still a trump card left to be played - the stock market.
Look at the message from financial media today.
We are told the world is turning its collective back on America. As such, we are told that the world is dumping the US dollar. All that selling should be pushing the value of the greenback lower. What does Chart 1 below show with regard to the value of the dollar over the past year?
Chart 1 courtesy
Obviously somebody is buying the US dollar over the past year. If we bring in a 20-year chart of the dollar, we see that the 16 dreadful years of Bush-Oma eroded the dollars value by some 33%. That means our money bought less and less over time. Citizens continue to lose economic ground. At this writing, the dollar has lost some 5% or so during President Trump’s tenure.
We are being told that the declining dollar will result in higher prices for gold. Check the Chart 2 below for gold prices.
3-year GOLD
Chart 2 courtesy
Well, again, what we are ‘told’ is a lie. Gold has gone nowhere in terms of price this year. Only until a few weeks ago did it push higher. However, investors should not get excited. As I have argued, central bankers will never allow gold and silver to rise and thus become a monetary competitor for the bankers’ fiat paper. I can’t emphasize this enough. Gold will never rise as long as central bankers have power.
What about US Treasury paper? We are ‘told’ that the world is turning against America by dumping the US Treasury Bond. Really? Well, again, somebody is buying bonds as if they were MAGA caps. Check the Chart 3 below.
3-year UST (10-year US Treasury Bond price)
Chart 3 courtesy
So again, the financial media tells us the US dollar is being sold off. The charts indicate otherwise.
The financial media tells us that gold should be appreciating. The charts indicate otherwise.
The financial media tells us that US Treasuries are being dumped. The charts indicate otherwise.
Many in the media tell us that the economy really isn’t that good. These people seem confused.
The political media (sorry, oxymoron) tell us that any economic and financial gains are due solely to the previous administration policies (excessive taxation, excessive regulation, and the militarization of government agencies). I have included a chart below of the Dow Jones Industrials for the last 20 years. Giving a nod to Rep. Omar, she is right about one thing. Bush and Obama were twins so I refer to their ruinous reign as the ‘Bush-Ama’ period. We can see from the chart that stock prices have maintained an upward trajectory since the Federal Reserve Bank accepted the sovereign US surrender from President Bush in August 2007 (QE, TARP, etc). Since Mr. Bush surrendered control of the nation and its economy to the central bankers, they have done a wonderful job of goosing stock prices higher and higher with free money regardless of true economic conditions. As the greatest leader to ever walk the face of the Earth, President Andrew Jackson, wrote in his 1832 veto and extermination of the central bank, the policy of allowing central bankers to control money would make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and inequality would reign. If only humans were smart enough to listen to real genius! Check out the Chart 4.
20-year DJIA monthly
Chart 4 courtesy
What’s the problem? Remember Candidate Trump referring to the stock market as ‘one big fat bubble’? Arguably President Trump’s enacted policies (tax cut, fewer regulations on business, America first, etc.) have pumped air into the longest bull market in history. And, it is a truth that low taxes and low government regulation lead to better economies. If only politicians could understand that the inverse is also true.
So, are we living in truth and freedom or lies and enslavement?
Surely everyone acknowledges the stock price inflation of record corporate buybacks, sovereign nations buying stocks, and of course, many instances like we saw on Christmas Eve, 2018 with the Plunge Protection Team meeting with banksters to coordinate yet another Fed intervention rally. Yes, it is all contrived and manipulated but there could be something else brewing.
President Trump has taken credit for the strong economy and strong stock market. He may have triggered the ‘Trump trap’.
Remember when the vile and corrupt Senator Maxine Waters was in the middle of her ‘Impeach 45’ rant when she said, “If Stormy don’t get him, Mueller will.” Well, Stormy failed. Serial framer and completely corrupt Mueller failed as well. So, it seems to me that all the democrats have left is the economy and its barometer, the hallowed Dow Jones Industrial stock average.
Let’s be honest here. We are not talking about supposed enemies of the US like Iran, Russia or China. We are talking about democrats and the shadow government leftists who hate America. They are willing to do anything to destroy President Trump and his agenda to ‘Make America Great Again’. That includes purposefully tanking the stock market and the economy. But how will they do so?
The next weapon the Democrats will hurl at President Trump is the Federal Reserve Bank. This has been the biggest failure of the Trump presidency. He has not destroyed the central bank as I have promised to do in the first five minutes of my presidency if elected. The serpent is still alive.
We are all witness to President Trump’s criticism of Fed Chief Powell. President Obama was supported by the Fed’s zero percent interest rates. President Trump, however, has been throttled by a Fed intent on raising interest rates.
The Federal Reserve is of course evil and corrupt to the core. Notice, many pundits including the biggest retail associations are saying that President Trump’s China tariffs will cost consumers millions. That sounds like tariffs equal inflation. If so, should the Fed be lowering interest rates?
The Fed’s Powell recently said the following: “As President of a Federal Reserve Bank, I am focused on two vital economic goals: maximum employment and stable prices for the U.S. economy.” I will give readers a week or two to stop laughing at this outlandishly ridiculously mendacious statement from one of the biggest liars to ever walk the face of the Earth.
Read carefully. Truth follows. The Federal Reserve Bank is concerned with one thing and one thing only - the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Period. Anyone that believes anything to the contrary is a complete fool exemplifying an ignorance level unmatched in human history.
One, the Fed is committed to instigating at least 2% inflation every year. That means that every generation of Americans losses half of their monetary purchasing power and affluence over three decades of such perverse policy. Truth is freedom. Lies are enslavement.
Two, at the end of 2018, the Fed opined that it would need to raise the fed funds rate some three or four times in 2019 to battle ‘inflationary pressures and ensure price stability’. Give me a break! The Dow had enjoyed two years of steadily rising prices due to President Trump’s influence. Stock prices were already in decline throughout the fourth quarter of 2018 but really accelerated the decline in December. Of course, and again ad nauseam, the Fed’s only goal is to support the Dow. The Fed called a quick meeting on Christmas Eve with their banker friends who make tons of profit from such insider trader meetings as this, and immediately arrested the decline in stock prices (the Fed will never again allow for a bear market or a drop of 20% from previous highs) with a furious stock buying binge. That was buttressed by an immediate reversal in Fed policy so all future rate increases were cancelled. Here we are today and everyone, and I mean everyone, is expected a rate cut very soon. What changed the Fed’s mind? Stock prices. End of story.
Okay, as any intelligent person knows, the Fed sets stock prices every single day. My own personal evidence of Fed pooh in price charts are those fabulous 100+ point rallies that snap the stock indices higher in less than an hour. We can see these interventions very easily as they look like needles going straight up. We no longer see bottoms that look like a ‘V’ or God forbid, a ‘U’. Now, what might the Fed do as we move toward the election year of 2020?
Remember, the Fed is not interested in truth. Truth leads to freedom and freedom doesn’t exist as long as central banksters run our world.
My guess is the left will weaponize the Fed and they will allow the stock indices to tank and thereby destroy whatever life the economy has in it. Since President Trump took the credit for a good economy and a robust stock market, he will be blamed for the ensuing bear market and recession economy. Make no mistake. The Fed and the left are evil enough and hateful enough to burn all of our houses down just to show up President Trump. We should all be vigilant about the timing. I still believe the Fed would like to push the Dow up to 30k before they pull the plug. How low might they drop the Dow? The God of the left is Obama and the Dow was around the 18k mark when he vacated the White House. I don’t think they will let the Dow go below that mark.
One must know one’s enemies. It seems that President Trump has taken the bait.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Hollywood Ignorance Is An American Tragedy
by Barry Ferguson
Actor Alec Baldwin said WH Press Secretary Sanders is the ‘mouthpiece of fascism’. I admit, I like to see pictures of Alec Baldwin. He makes me laugh. Yes, every time I see a photo of Mr. Baldwin I break out in giggles. How a complete and utter hate-filled imbecile of Neanderthal proportions takes himself so seriously is amusing to me. But I must comment on Mr. Baldwin’s faulty vocabulary.
Given Mr. Baldwin’s obvious single-digit IQ, I thought it best to consult the Merriam-Webster dictionary on ‘fascism’. Accordingly, fascism definition is - ‘a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition’.
Break the definition of fascism down.
‘Exalts nation and often race above the individual.’ Isn’t it the current crop of democrats pressing the nation over individuals by suppressing free speech or free expression of individuals who disagree with the government’s stance on things like global warming, homosexuality, and gun rights?
‘Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader’. Isn’t it the current crop of democrats who are pushing for complete government control over everything through edict such as the so-called ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ passed into law by an autocratic president and his worshippers without a single vote from the opposing political party? Isn’t it the current crop of democrats who so much support a government who secretly spies on citizens without cause, who constantly tries to rig the voting system, and who operates in complete secrecy to topple enemies both domestic and foreign?
How about ‘severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition’? Clearly we all understand that democrats prefer regulations mandated from government that control every aspect of economics and society. President Trump’s predecessors spent their time bogging down the US economy with burdensome regulations. They and the democrats have spent their time trying to engineer social changes to force everyone to accept homosexuality and infanticide as normal. And, we have Congresstitute Maxine Waters urging followers to forcibly suppress opposition voices to the point of attacking fellow Americans if found to be of individual expression - like wearing a cap with ‘MAGA’ on the front.
This is just a public service to moronic zoo animals like Baldwin who use the few words they have been taught by their zookeepers incorrectly. Sadly, TDS sufferers seem to have no concept of a vocabulary. Hopefully some of these dopes can read along and learn real definitions.
Finger pointers of fascism should also consider that the majority of Americans think there should be some kind of border security and legitimate process of immigrating to the US. Yet, democrats, and redumblicans alike, refuse to ‘represent’ their constituents and sit idly while foreigners invade the country unimpeded. A government unresponsive to citizens is fascism.
To label President Trump or his Press Secretary as ‘fascist’ shows ignorance on the part of the accuser.
The current crop of democrats can be instructive to those of us with a non-brainwashed mentality. For instance, I have always felt it was a bit ridiculous to require the manufacturer of peanuts to put an allergy warning on the package warning the purchaser that the ‘peanuts were manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts’. At least, until Congresstitute Ocasio-Cortez entered the public eye I always thought the warning to be unnecessary. Now that I have seen neanderthal stupid in modern humans, I understand such warnings. Excuse me while I try to find a picture of Mr. Baldwin. I need a laugh.
Actor Alec Baldwin said WH Press Secretary Sanders is the ‘mouthpiece of fascism’. I admit, I like to see pictures of Alec Baldwin. He makes me laugh. Yes, every time I see a photo of Mr. Baldwin I break out in giggles. How a complete and utter hate-filled imbecile of Neanderthal proportions takes himself so seriously is amusing to me. But I must comment on Mr. Baldwin’s faulty vocabulary.
Given Mr. Baldwin’s obvious single-digit IQ, I thought it best to consult the Merriam-Webster dictionary on ‘fascism’. Accordingly, fascism definition is - ‘a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition’.
Break the definition of fascism down.
‘Exalts nation and often race above the individual.’ Isn’t it the current crop of democrats pressing the nation over individuals by suppressing free speech or free expression of individuals who disagree with the government’s stance on things like global warming, homosexuality, and gun rights?
‘Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader’. Isn’t it the current crop of democrats who are pushing for complete government control over everything through edict such as the so-called ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ passed into law by an autocratic president and his worshippers without a single vote from the opposing political party? Isn’t it the current crop of democrats who so much support a government who secretly spies on citizens without cause, who constantly tries to rig the voting system, and who operates in complete secrecy to topple enemies both domestic and foreign?
How about ‘severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition’? Clearly we all understand that democrats prefer regulations mandated from government that control every aspect of economics and society. President Trump’s predecessors spent their time bogging down the US economy with burdensome regulations. They and the democrats have spent their time trying to engineer social changes to force everyone to accept homosexuality and infanticide as normal. And, we have Congresstitute Maxine Waters urging followers to forcibly suppress opposition voices to the point of attacking fellow Americans if found to be of individual expression - like wearing a cap with ‘MAGA’ on the front.
This is just a public service to moronic zoo animals like Baldwin who use the few words they have been taught by their zookeepers incorrectly. Sadly, TDS sufferers seem to have no concept of a vocabulary. Hopefully some of these dopes can read along and learn real definitions.
Finger pointers of fascism should also consider that the majority of Americans think there should be some kind of border security and legitimate process of immigrating to the US. Yet, democrats, and redumblicans alike, refuse to ‘represent’ their constituents and sit idly while foreigners invade the country unimpeded. A government unresponsive to citizens is fascism.
To label President Trump or his Press Secretary as ‘fascist’ shows ignorance on the part of the accuser.
The current crop of democrats can be instructive to those of us with a non-brainwashed mentality. For instance, I have always felt it was a bit ridiculous to require the manufacturer of peanuts to put an allergy warning on the package warning the purchaser that the ‘peanuts were manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts’. At least, until Congresstitute Ocasio-Cortez entered the public eye I always thought the warning to be unnecessary. Now that I have seen neanderthal stupid in modern humans, I understand such warnings. Excuse me while I try to find a picture of Mr. Baldwin. I need a laugh.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
America Was Great Once - When The Imbeciles Knew They Were Imbeciles
President Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan was, and is, to ‘Make America Great Again’. How could anyone not support MAGA? Democrats of course have objected to this reference as being racist, white supremacist, homophobic, xenophobic, Nazi-like, blah, blah, blah. All democrats from former President Obama to Eric Holder (former AG) to every current member of Congress has refuted the President’s sentiment. No Democrat believes that America was ever ‘great’. Almost all of them have said so.
I disagree.
America was great at one time. That was when the imbeciles knew they were imbeciles. They knew their place. Dr. Frankenstein had his Igor. Hardy had his Laurel. Jed Clampett had his Jethro. Buggs Bunny had his Elmer Fudd. Imbeciles knew who they were. They didn’t lust for power which they could not exercise. The imbeciles did not aspire for dominance, much less control. Imbeciles never used to make speeches in public and they sure didn’t run for public office. Now the imbeciles feel emboldened by liberal democrats and they want to tell the rest of us what to do.
Ah, the good old days - when America was great!
In high school, students destined for college adhered to a curriculum of higher sciences, mathematics, and literature. Students not destined for college filled their curriculum with basic science, basic math, and shop-type classes. Student government typically included those students bound for college. Those students not bound for college did not aspire for class presidency or any other leadership position. The more cognitively challenged students even had their own curriculum.
Today, America has been hypnotized into a fantasy world where anything is possible if we just believe it. Dumb kids can excel in trigonometry. The kid making a ‘D’ in shop class can be class President. The weirdest kid in school can be voted ‘Most likely to succeed’. Transgender men want to dominate women’s sports. No one seems to know who they are anymore. Everyone has a place on the team but people don’t seem to understand their role. Dumb people and weirdos should not be leaders!
America has now been infected with political leaders who have no morals, no education (only indoctrination), and no discernible intellect. Both political parties have their share of imbeciles but come on - why are the imbeciles in charge?
President Trump has at least temporarily saved the Republican Party from a demise to insignificance. But who will save the Democrat Party?
The Democrats have adopted a plastic straw ban policy conceived by a 9-year old school kid who wrote an erroneous and brief paper on plastic straw pollution. (Can’t blame the kid - he was only 9. Schools only indoctrinate. They have abandoned education.)
They have adopted an anti-second amendment stance conceived by a 17-year old high school twit who has the protection of an FBI agent father with a gun.
They have adopted a ‘climate change’ agenda based on fake data and ignorance of actual geothermal and atmospheric fact. Their solutions to the imagined ‘climate change’ comes from a newly elected to the House 29-year old bartender who seems to have no understanding of anything whatsoever.
They have adopted economic policies conceived by Karl Marx which has led to disaster everywhere implemented. Think Venezuela as the latest casualty.
The Democrats even get moral guidance from people who favor infanticide.
These are the people that think that America was ‘never that great’.
If America, to paraphrase most democrats, ‘never was that great’, who’s fault is that?
Well, from 1933 to 2010, democrats have held a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate for 70 of those 77 years. In 17 of those 70 years in which democrats held a majority in the House and the Senate, the President was also a democrat. In the same time period, Republicans have enjoyed only 7 of 70 years of House and Senate control and only 3 years of political dominance with the President being a Republican as well. We can review this information at:
Stunned yet? How stupid are these people? How stupid do the democrat politicians think their constituents must be? Answer: pretty stinking stupid. Now of course they will follow the lead of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and speak to constituents in a fake southern drawl.
The imbeciles don’t seem to understand that the world that they dislike so much was crafted by people of their own political party’s allegiance. America was great once in spite of political buffoonery.
But my how things have suddenly changed! The imbeciles now think they are the smart people. Oh Lord, save us!
Witness the parade of imbeciles who think the ‘dunce hat’ is a ‘wizard’s hat’.
Poor Representative Ocasio-Cortez. She thinks Republicans passed the 22nd amendment that limited a President’s term to two terms only just to keep FDR from serving another term. Of course, the amendment came to law in 1947. FDR passed away in 1945. Whew! The US ‘education’ system is a total failure and yet the indoctrinators are getting raises?
Odd isn’t it how AOC portrays herself as a politician that supports the poor and the working class. Yet, it was FDR that perpetrated one of the biggest heists in history by outlawing private ownership of gold. The big banks gobbled up the gold and then as an encore, FDR allowed gold to be revalued higher by some 75%. This was of course a bailout for the Federal Reserve Bank which was out of gold and out of money printing at the time. Who says, ‘Crime doesn’t pay’? AOC is criminally stupid. Sorry, that may be a bit harsh. AOC is a product of a failed ‘educational’ system that has simply morphed into a ‘social indoctrination system’. Imbecile!
Odd, isn’t it how the Senator Pelosi demands to read the entire Mueller ‘Russian collusion’ report (more than 300 or so pages) concerning President Trump’s non-collusion with Russians in the 2016 elections. She rejects AG Barr’s 4-page summary. This is the same Senator of the party that rammed through a 1000-page ‘Obamacare’ takeover of healthcare and did not read a line of the legislation. Pelosi herself famously said at the time, “We have to pass the bill to see what is in it”. Has there ever been a bigger hypocrite that walked the face of the Earth? Imbecile!
Odd, isn’t it that the democrats claim a wall protecting the sovereign land of the US is immoral and so too is the ‘caging’ of illegal alien minors. Yet, this is the same Democrat Party that sees no immorality in the killing of a newborn infant. Would they change their minds if the newborn infant scheduled for murder was the child of an illegal alien? Imbeciles!
Odd, isn’t it that the democrats still claim President Trump to be a ‘Russian agent’. Yet, President Trump has pressed multiple sanctions on Russia, terminated weapons treaties, and has pressed other world leaders to avoid business with Russia. And, Mr. Trump did not get a favorable deal to build a hotel in Russia. If President Trump is indeed a Russian agent, then he is most definitely a traitor - to Russia! Imbeciles!
Isn’t it odd that Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke spoke supportively of Muslim America-hating Rep. Ilhan Omar after her latest racist anti-semitic remarks. He said she was now the ‘most important member of Congress’. When Mr. Duke voiced support of President Trump, Mr. Trump was branded a ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ by the liberals. I’m sure the same liberals will now brand Rep. Omar as a like racist. Or, maybe logic means absolutely nothing to these people? Rep. Omar has a lot in common with Mr. Duke. Only, Rep. Omar is allowed to wear her klan hood every day in congress. Imbeciles.
Isn’t it odd that New Mexico passed a law permitting law enforcement personnel to confiscate guns from citizens deemed to be at risk. Two-thirds of county sheriffs said they would not enforce this law. The state’s Attorney General said these sheriffs should resign. Yet, New Mexico refused to enforce federal immigration laws. Maybe the AG should resign? While the New Mexico AG thinks walls are immoral, he should be reminded that New Mexico continues to enjoy the stolen bounty of search and seizure policies that can only be described as theft. Imbeciles!
Isn’t it odd that Pope Francis said this about President Trump: ”A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel.” Yet, the Pope is a man that lives behind walls protected by heavily armed military personnel. Odder yet, the Pope discriminates when it comes to his personal life. His guards can only be men from Switzerland who stand at least five-feet, eight inches tall. Women need not apply. Short people need not apply. Citizenship? Forget it. Only Vatican employees can be citizens of the Vatican City. Imbecile!
Isn't it odd that boring actor Samuel L. Jackson said that “Trump supporters were complicit in the destruction of the planet”. Yet, Mr. Jackson no doubt uses airplanes to fly to his movie destinations while his films are shown in theaters that consume electricity generated by fossil fuels and nuclear plants. Imbecile!
Then there is poor old Jeb Bush. He recently wished aloud that the Republican Party would support a candidate to challenge President Trump in the primaries. What a moron. Jeb Bush may have edged out AOC as the stupidest human on Earth. Republicans rejected 17 republican candidates at the last primary in favor of Mr. Trump. Nobody likes Republicans. Nobody. No-body!! The Republican Party is DEAD. They are all idiots who promise a lot and do nothing. Think Trey Gowdy or Lindsey Graham. Think traitors like Paul Ryan and former Senator Traitor Flake. A Republican couldn’t even win a Republican primary. Has Jeb completely lost his mind or is he a secret democrat? Imbecile!
Not to be out imebeciled, chronic politician Democrat Stacey Abrams still refuses to concede her loss in the Georgia Governor election of 2018. She claims the GOP ‘stole’ the election. Really? Ever heard of California and how that communist state stole and rigged elections in favor of fellow communists? Wow, what a imbecile!
How about Marxist San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz? She is constantly badmouthing President Trump with all the socialist talking points that a parrot could memorize. Hurricane Urma devastated the island a few years ago. President Trump immediately sent water and supplies. Puerto Rico’s Mayor Cruz failed to distribute supplies due to total incompetency and much of the food rotted on the docks. The only person that can help is President Trump and this imbecile of a Mayor continues to attack President Trump. Can anyone possibly imagine how different Puerto Rico’s response to the aftermath of the hurricane would have been had President Trump been Mayor of Puerto Rico instead of Imbecile Cruz? I imagine the island would already have several luxury hotels bringing in tourists and island unemployment would be - well, as low as it is in the US mainland. That is, almost zero. Elections have consequences. The people of Puerto Rico elected an imbecilic, bigoted Marxist as Mayor to keep them in poverty. Enjoy the results!
A woman was in a Starbucks in the communist run bay area when a older gentleman walked in wearing a MAGA hat. The woman, Parker Mankey, photographed the man and berated him in front of customers. She then posted the encounter to her social justice page with the caption, “If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism.” Ms. Mankey also called the gentleman a ‘Nazi’ - as if she had any understanding whatsoever of what defines a true ‘Nazi’. After all, it seems as if Ms. Mankey is the ‘brown shirt gestapo’ actor in this case. The gentleman Ms. Mankey assaulted and branded ‘Nazi’ is Jewish. Imbecile!
Hello Imbecile Mankey. Publicly berating and harassing citizens for their attire IS FASCISM. Sure, this is what the human species embarrassment Senator Maxine Waters has been imploring her cultists to do when they spot a President Trump supporter. Hate begets more hate. Imbecilism begets more imbecilism. Why are imbeciles lecturing the rest of us? Have they no shame in their intellectual inferiority?
So why don’t the imbeciles know who they are? It seems that they have been empowered by the real slave masters. Those who lust for power over other human beings routinely ignore individual rights of speech, protection, and security of possessions. The slave masters have used ‘political correctness’ and social issues to divide and conquer. Slave masters have elevated the imbeciles because the imbeciles are easier to control. Think ‘climate change’ and understand how this issue gives more power and more money to slave masters who have no allegiance to the common person. Of course, there are way more imbeciles than intellectuals as evidenced by college campuses across America. The imbeciles now feel important enough that their voice should be heard.
America can only be great when it is led by those blessed with the intellectual capacity to balance morality, liberty, individualism, fairness, and true economic capitalism. Those such leaders are the few who accept their blessing and rise to the challenge. The more intellectually challenged should learn who they are and where they fit so as to not find themselves in political leadership roles where their dumbassery becomes evident to all. Find the smart people. Listen to them. Learn from them.
The term ‘democracy’ is a buzzword the democrats love to throw around but democracies are for idiots. Third President Jefferson said it best. “Democracies lead to mob rule”. Mobs are unthinking imbeciles. Review Monty Python’s ‘Holy Grail’ movie and laugh again at the mob scene in which the mob tries to define what qualifies as a witch. Now look at the current Democratic Party. Life imitates art.
Perhaps Galileo himself said it best: "In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."
President Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan was, and is, to ‘Make America Great Again’. How could anyone not support MAGA? Democrats of course have objected to this reference as being racist, white supremacist, homophobic, xenophobic, Nazi-like, blah, blah, blah. All democrats from former President Obama to Eric Holder (former AG) to every current member of Congress has refuted the President’s sentiment. No Democrat believes that America was ever ‘great’. Almost all of them have said so.
I disagree.
America was great at one time. That was when the imbeciles knew they were imbeciles. They knew their place. Dr. Frankenstein had his Igor. Hardy had his Laurel. Jed Clampett had his Jethro. Buggs Bunny had his Elmer Fudd. Imbeciles knew who they were. They didn’t lust for power which they could not exercise. The imbeciles did not aspire for dominance, much less control. Imbeciles never used to make speeches in public and they sure didn’t run for public office. Now the imbeciles feel emboldened by liberal democrats and they want to tell the rest of us what to do.
Ah, the good old days - when America was great!
In high school, students destined for college adhered to a curriculum of higher sciences, mathematics, and literature. Students not destined for college filled their curriculum with basic science, basic math, and shop-type classes. Student government typically included those students bound for college. Those students not bound for college did not aspire for class presidency or any other leadership position. The more cognitively challenged students even had their own curriculum.
Today, America has been hypnotized into a fantasy world where anything is possible if we just believe it. Dumb kids can excel in trigonometry. The kid making a ‘D’ in shop class can be class President. The weirdest kid in school can be voted ‘Most likely to succeed’. Transgender men want to dominate women’s sports. No one seems to know who they are anymore. Everyone has a place on the team but people don’t seem to understand their role. Dumb people and weirdos should not be leaders!
America has now been infected with political leaders who have no morals, no education (only indoctrination), and no discernible intellect. Both political parties have their share of imbeciles but come on - why are the imbeciles in charge?
President Trump has at least temporarily saved the Republican Party from a demise to insignificance. But who will save the Democrat Party?
The Democrats have adopted a plastic straw ban policy conceived by a 9-year old school kid who wrote an erroneous and brief paper on plastic straw pollution. (Can’t blame the kid - he was only 9. Schools only indoctrinate. They have abandoned education.)
They have adopted an anti-second amendment stance conceived by a 17-year old high school twit who has the protection of an FBI agent father with a gun.
They have adopted a ‘climate change’ agenda based on fake data and ignorance of actual geothermal and atmospheric fact. Their solutions to the imagined ‘climate change’ comes from a newly elected to the House 29-year old bartender who seems to have no understanding of anything whatsoever.
They have adopted economic policies conceived by Karl Marx which has led to disaster everywhere implemented. Think Venezuela as the latest casualty.
The Democrats even get moral guidance from people who favor infanticide.
These are the people that think that America was ‘never that great’.
If America, to paraphrase most democrats, ‘never was that great’, who’s fault is that?
Well, from 1933 to 2010, democrats have held a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate for 70 of those 77 years. In 17 of those 70 years in which democrats held a majority in the House and the Senate, the President was also a democrat. In the same time period, Republicans have enjoyed only 7 of 70 years of House and Senate control and only 3 years of political dominance with the President being a Republican as well. We can review this information at:
Stunned yet? How stupid are these people? How stupid do the democrat politicians think their constituents must be? Answer: pretty stinking stupid. Now of course they will follow the lead of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and speak to constituents in a fake southern drawl.
The imbeciles don’t seem to understand that the world that they dislike so much was crafted by people of their own political party’s allegiance. America was great once in spite of political buffoonery.
But my how things have suddenly changed! The imbeciles now think they are the smart people. Oh Lord, save us!
Witness the parade of imbeciles who think the ‘dunce hat’ is a ‘wizard’s hat’.
Poor Representative Ocasio-Cortez. She thinks Republicans passed the 22nd amendment that limited a President’s term to two terms only just to keep FDR from serving another term. Of course, the amendment came to law in 1947. FDR passed away in 1945. Whew! The US ‘education’ system is a total failure and yet the indoctrinators are getting raises?
Odd isn’t it how AOC portrays herself as a politician that supports the poor and the working class. Yet, it was FDR that perpetrated one of the biggest heists in history by outlawing private ownership of gold. The big banks gobbled up the gold and then as an encore, FDR allowed gold to be revalued higher by some 75%. This was of course a bailout for the Federal Reserve Bank which was out of gold and out of money printing at the time. Who says, ‘Crime doesn’t pay’? AOC is criminally stupid. Sorry, that may be a bit harsh. AOC is a product of a failed ‘educational’ system that has simply morphed into a ‘social indoctrination system’. Imbecile!
Odd, isn’t it how the Senator Pelosi demands to read the entire Mueller ‘Russian collusion’ report (more than 300 or so pages) concerning President Trump’s non-collusion with Russians in the 2016 elections. She rejects AG Barr’s 4-page summary. This is the same Senator of the party that rammed through a 1000-page ‘Obamacare’ takeover of healthcare and did not read a line of the legislation. Pelosi herself famously said at the time, “We have to pass the bill to see what is in it”. Has there ever been a bigger hypocrite that walked the face of the Earth? Imbecile!
Odd, isn’t it that the democrats claim a wall protecting the sovereign land of the US is immoral and so too is the ‘caging’ of illegal alien minors. Yet, this is the same Democrat Party that sees no immorality in the killing of a newborn infant. Would they change their minds if the newborn infant scheduled for murder was the child of an illegal alien? Imbeciles!
Odd, isn’t it that the democrats still claim President Trump to be a ‘Russian agent’. Yet, President Trump has pressed multiple sanctions on Russia, terminated weapons treaties, and has pressed other world leaders to avoid business with Russia. And, Mr. Trump did not get a favorable deal to build a hotel in Russia. If President Trump is indeed a Russian agent, then he is most definitely a traitor - to Russia! Imbeciles!
Isn’t it odd that Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke spoke supportively of Muslim America-hating Rep. Ilhan Omar after her latest racist anti-semitic remarks. He said she was now the ‘most important member of Congress’. When Mr. Duke voiced support of President Trump, Mr. Trump was branded a ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ by the liberals. I’m sure the same liberals will now brand Rep. Omar as a like racist. Or, maybe logic means absolutely nothing to these people? Rep. Omar has a lot in common with Mr. Duke. Only, Rep. Omar is allowed to wear her klan hood every day in congress. Imbeciles.
Isn’t it odd that New Mexico passed a law permitting law enforcement personnel to confiscate guns from citizens deemed to be at risk. Two-thirds of county sheriffs said they would not enforce this law. The state’s Attorney General said these sheriffs should resign. Yet, New Mexico refused to enforce federal immigration laws. Maybe the AG should resign? While the New Mexico AG thinks walls are immoral, he should be reminded that New Mexico continues to enjoy the stolen bounty of search and seizure policies that can only be described as theft. Imbeciles!
Isn’t it odd that Pope Francis said this about President Trump: ”A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel.” Yet, the Pope is a man that lives behind walls protected by heavily armed military personnel. Odder yet, the Pope discriminates when it comes to his personal life. His guards can only be men from Switzerland who stand at least five-feet, eight inches tall. Women need not apply. Short people need not apply. Citizenship? Forget it. Only Vatican employees can be citizens of the Vatican City. Imbecile!
Isn't it odd that boring actor Samuel L. Jackson said that “Trump supporters were complicit in the destruction of the planet”. Yet, Mr. Jackson no doubt uses airplanes to fly to his movie destinations while his films are shown in theaters that consume electricity generated by fossil fuels and nuclear plants. Imbecile!
Then there is poor old Jeb Bush. He recently wished aloud that the Republican Party would support a candidate to challenge President Trump in the primaries. What a moron. Jeb Bush may have edged out AOC as the stupidest human on Earth. Republicans rejected 17 republican candidates at the last primary in favor of Mr. Trump. Nobody likes Republicans. Nobody. No-body!! The Republican Party is DEAD. They are all idiots who promise a lot and do nothing. Think Trey Gowdy or Lindsey Graham. Think traitors like Paul Ryan and former Senator Traitor Flake. A Republican couldn’t even win a Republican primary. Has Jeb completely lost his mind or is he a secret democrat? Imbecile!
Not to be out imebeciled, chronic politician Democrat Stacey Abrams still refuses to concede her loss in the Georgia Governor election of 2018. She claims the GOP ‘stole’ the election. Really? Ever heard of California and how that communist state stole and rigged elections in favor of fellow communists? Wow, what a imbecile!
How about Marxist San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz? She is constantly badmouthing President Trump with all the socialist talking points that a parrot could memorize. Hurricane Urma devastated the island a few years ago. President Trump immediately sent water and supplies. Puerto Rico’s Mayor Cruz failed to distribute supplies due to total incompetency and much of the food rotted on the docks. The only person that can help is President Trump and this imbecile of a Mayor continues to attack President Trump. Can anyone possibly imagine how different Puerto Rico’s response to the aftermath of the hurricane would have been had President Trump been Mayor of Puerto Rico instead of Imbecile Cruz? I imagine the island would already have several luxury hotels bringing in tourists and island unemployment would be - well, as low as it is in the US mainland. That is, almost zero. Elections have consequences. The people of Puerto Rico elected an imbecilic, bigoted Marxist as Mayor to keep them in poverty. Enjoy the results!
A woman was in a Starbucks in the communist run bay area when a older gentleman walked in wearing a MAGA hat. The woman, Parker Mankey, photographed the man and berated him in front of customers. She then posted the encounter to her social justice page with the caption, “If you see him in this hat, please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism.” Ms. Mankey also called the gentleman a ‘Nazi’ - as if she had any understanding whatsoever of what defines a true ‘Nazi’. After all, it seems as if Ms. Mankey is the ‘brown shirt gestapo’ actor in this case. The gentleman Ms. Mankey assaulted and branded ‘Nazi’ is Jewish. Imbecile!
Hello Imbecile Mankey. Publicly berating and harassing citizens for their attire IS FASCISM. Sure, this is what the human species embarrassment Senator Maxine Waters has been imploring her cultists to do when they spot a President Trump supporter. Hate begets more hate. Imbecilism begets more imbecilism. Why are imbeciles lecturing the rest of us? Have they no shame in their intellectual inferiority?
So why don’t the imbeciles know who they are? It seems that they have been empowered by the real slave masters. Those who lust for power over other human beings routinely ignore individual rights of speech, protection, and security of possessions. The slave masters have used ‘political correctness’ and social issues to divide and conquer. Slave masters have elevated the imbeciles because the imbeciles are easier to control. Think ‘climate change’ and understand how this issue gives more power and more money to slave masters who have no allegiance to the common person. Of course, there are way more imbeciles than intellectuals as evidenced by college campuses across America. The imbeciles now feel important enough that their voice should be heard.
America can only be great when it is led by those blessed with the intellectual capacity to balance morality, liberty, individualism, fairness, and true economic capitalism. Those such leaders are the few who accept their blessing and rise to the challenge. The more intellectually challenged should learn who they are and where they fit so as to not find themselves in political leadership roles where their dumbassery becomes evident to all. Find the smart people. Listen to them. Learn from them.
The term ‘democracy’ is a buzzword the democrats love to throw around but democracies are for idiots. Third President Jefferson said it best. “Democracies lead to mob rule”. Mobs are unthinking imbeciles. Review Monty Python’s ‘Holy Grail’ movie and laugh again at the mob scene in which the mob tries to define what qualifies as a witch. Now look at the current Democratic Party. Life imitates art.
Perhaps Galileo himself said it best: "In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Proof Jussie Smollett Guilty of Hate Hoax
Jussie Smollett has been given national, if not international attention since he filed a police report alleging a hate crime perpetrated against him - a gay black man. He alleged that he went out for a sandwich on a sub-zero freezing night in Chicago when he was accosted by two white men wearing MAGA hats. Mr. Smollett fended them off while retaining possession of his sandwich all the while chatting on his cell phone. The offenders were somehow able to douse Mr. Smollett with bleach and fashion a noose around his neck. We all know this story.
Police investigated and found that Mr. Smollett had concocted the entire event with the help of two black friends. The friends confessed. Police recovered video of the the two friends buying the red MAGA caps and other supplies at a convenience store. Chicago police charged Mr. Smollett with multiple felonies.
Interesting to note that Mr. Smollett was allowed to turn himself in to police. Yet, a few months ago, President Trump associate Roger Stone was indicted for lying and was subsequently raided at 6AM by some 20 or so members of SWAT with CNN on site to film the action.
Upon submitting the case to the county Prosecutor Kim Foxx, the case was immediately dropped, sealed, and records expunged. Charges dropped. Case closed.
But wait a second.
If Prosecutor Foxx is correct, then Mr. Smollett did not stage this horrific hate crime. Therefore, there are two white guys running around in MAGA hats randomly attacking black folks and simulating a lynching. Why in today’s environment is the city of Chicago and the FBI allowing two people to get away with this crime? There can be no tolerance for hate crimes in America. Why did the Prosecutor drop this case?
Sure, Mr. Smollett is a personal friend of the Obamas.
Sure, the Obamas intervened on Mr. Smollett’s behalf.
Sure, Mr. Smollett is a gay black man.
Sure, the Chicago Prosecutor is a black woman.
Sure, Prosecutor Foxx would never let an actual hate crime against a gay black man to go unpunished, un-investigated, and never spoken of again.
Yet, Prosecutor Foxx closed the case.
But I thought a crime was committed here? Emmett Till was a black man in Mississippi who was accused of unwanted sexual advances toward a white woman some 70 years ago. Mr. Till was beaten and hanged for the accusation. The accusation was of course false. False accusations lead to terrible miscarriages of justice. My recent article on Emmett Till here:
So, if Mr. Smollett is innocent, then two people are guilty of assault and a hate crime. Yet, the Chicago Prosecutor refuses to press the case. Is she racist?
All this leaves us with one conclusion. That is, Prosecutor Foxx has given us proof that in fact Jussie Smollett is guilty himself of staging a hate crime with the intent of fomenting a race war in America. Like all criminals, Mr. Smollett will live with his guilt the rest of his life. We all know the truth - thanks to Prosecutor Foxx.
Justice in America has died and now lies in a grave next to Liberty and Equality.
Jussie Smollett has been given national, if not international attention since he filed a police report alleging a hate crime perpetrated against him - a gay black man. He alleged that he went out for a sandwich on a sub-zero freezing night in Chicago when he was accosted by two white men wearing MAGA hats. Mr. Smollett fended them off while retaining possession of his sandwich all the while chatting on his cell phone. The offenders were somehow able to douse Mr. Smollett with bleach and fashion a noose around his neck. We all know this story.
Police investigated and found that Mr. Smollett had concocted the entire event with the help of two black friends. The friends confessed. Police recovered video of the the two friends buying the red MAGA caps and other supplies at a convenience store. Chicago police charged Mr. Smollett with multiple felonies.
Interesting to note that Mr. Smollett was allowed to turn himself in to police. Yet, a few months ago, President Trump associate Roger Stone was indicted for lying and was subsequently raided at 6AM by some 20 or so members of SWAT with CNN on site to film the action.
Upon submitting the case to the county Prosecutor Kim Foxx, the case was immediately dropped, sealed, and records expunged. Charges dropped. Case closed.
But wait a second.
If Prosecutor Foxx is correct, then Mr. Smollett did not stage this horrific hate crime. Therefore, there are two white guys running around in MAGA hats randomly attacking black folks and simulating a lynching. Why in today’s environment is the city of Chicago and the FBI allowing two people to get away with this crime? There can be no tolerance for hate crimes in America. Why did the Prosecutor drop this case?
Sure, Mr. Smollett is a personal friend of the Obamas.
Sure, the Obamas intervened on Mr. Smollett’s behalf.
Sure, Mr. Smollett is a gay black man.
Sure, the Chicago Prosecutor is a black woman.
Sure, Prosecutor Foxx would never let an actual hate crime against a gay black man to go unpunished, un-investigated, and never spoken of again.
Yet, Prosecutor Foxx closed the case.
But I thought a crime was committed here? Emmett Till was a black man in Mississippi who was accused of unwanted sexual advances toward a white woman some 70 years ago. Mr. Till was beaten and hanged for the accusation. The accusation was of course false. False accusations lead to terrible miscarriages of justice. My recent article on Emmett Till here:
So, if Mr. Smollett is innocent, then two people are guilty of assault and a hate crime. Yet, the Chicago Prosecutor refuses to press the case. Is she racist?
All this leaves us with one conclusion. That is, Prosecutor Foxx has given us proof that in fact Jussie Smollett is guilty himself of staging a hate crime with the intent of fomenting a race war in America. Like all criminals, Mr. Smollett will live with his guilt the rest of his life. We all know the truth - thanks to Prosecutor Foxx.
Justice in America has died and now lies in a grave next to Liberty and Equality.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Hate Has Made Democrats Stupid
Hate of everything they are not spews from democrats daily. Look at the way democrats treat conservatives (assault them in public places), Christians (constant LGBTQ attacks), and President Trump (fake news, lies, and harassment). Democrat behavior rejects intelligence, logic, and truth. They wickedly follow a path to some fantasy utopia in which we all sit around a camp fire and signal our virtues. They invent solutions to problems that don’t exist that call for more taxation. They seek to exercise their free speech to silence and censor those who disagree. They seek to transform the US into a country like the countries from which immigrants flee. They don’t seem to understand that the US is the destination for immigrants fleeing the kind of government the democrats want to establish. Socialism has failed citizens worldwide yet democrats seem hellbent on socializing America. Has hate and TDS made them stupid?
Democrats don’t seem to understand anything real and truthful because they are consumed with hate for all which they are not.
From website: 2016 census data shows that some 10.7 million people living in the US are ‘undocumented’. Where did they come from? Here is a list of the countries in order of the most immigrant country of origination:
Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Honduras, China, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Brazil, South Korea.
What do these countries have in common? Almost all of them are hell-holes created by communist-socialist governments. Isn’t it odd that the democrats want to turn the US into one of these hell-holes by transforming the country into a socialist-communist state while the people that actually live in socialist-communist states want to escape? We question, if President Trump is such a racist and xenophobe, why does the rest of the world want to live under his administration? If capitalism is so bad, why do so many poor people from other parts of the world want to live in the US? If socialism-communism is so good (as the democrats say), why do so many people living in socialist countries want to leave their home and move to the US?
We must ask, does hate begat stupidity?
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist. He was born in 1955 and lived under the brutal oppression of the Chinese communist government. Liu Xiaobo spoke out about political oppression, he spoke up for human dignity, and he condemned government oppression evidenced by the Chinese government’s reaction to protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989. Mr. Liu knew communist oppression. He lived under it. Mr. Liu was imprisoned four times for ‘disturbing the social order’ and ‘suspicion of the subversion of state authority’. He died in prison serving an 11-year sentence for such a ‘crime’ as expressing his opinion. He said this about hate:
“Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience; the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity, and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.”
Does this sound like the path the democrats have put the US on right now?
3/23/19: Chief of the ‘President Trump witch hunt’, and the dirtiest of the dirty cops, FBI attorney-framer Robert Mueller has finished his 2-year $30 million dollar waste of tax-payer money ‘Russian collusion’ report and released it to AG Barr. As anyone with a functioning brain cell has known all along, there was no collusion. The witch hunt was hatched, paid for, and promoted by the dirty democrats Obama and Clinton. Mueller has been the FBI’s top framer of innocent citizens for years and he could not find evidence of any wrong-doing on the part of President Trump. I think we can all be confident that collusion did not exist nor could it be ‘manufactured’ by the FBI. We should also conclude that after the wicked left tried with all their might to frame the President, Donald J. Trump must be cleaner than a fresh bar of soap!
At least this kept the FBI and CIA from looking at the other side of the political aisle where the real criminal activity was festering. There is plenty of evidence pointing to illegal activity on the part of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But this isn’t about truth. It never was. This isn’t about justice. It never was. At least half of the US population has joined the cult of imbecilism and no longer embraces the pillars of liberty - truth, fairness, civility, and justice. Hatred has consumed the democrats.
Liu Xiaobo was so right - ‘the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity’.
To understand this pathetic mindset of hatred, we can listen to their mouthpieces. Left wing media parrot Chris Wallace said of the Mueller report: “We don’t want to rush to judgment and I think that since this report has come out, since no one has seen it, to say that somehow this clears the president seems like the height of rushing to judgment.” Really? Would this be the same logic as rushing to judge President Trump’s culpability in a Russian collusion story without a scintilla of evidence that the media has promoted for two years now? How can anybody take people like Chris Wallace seriously? American ‘journalism’ is D-E-A-D.
Former actress and left-wing twit, uh, I mean twitterer Alyssa Milano recently came out as everything (gay, trans, immigrant, black, etc. that she is not) except a caucasian woman (which she is). Seems the poor woman hates herself and her entire ancestry. This hate has left her, apparently, delusional.
Just this past week, three college students at Tulane University tried to burn down another students room because they disagreed with the political ideology of the other student. Readers can guess which students were democrats but it would seem obvious. What was their plan here? If one room in a college dorm burns, won’t the other rooms catch fire as well? Were these three dopes trying to kill a person and everyone else nearby for political beliefs that didn’t align with theirs? And these hate-filled idiots are ‘college’ students?
Liu Xiaobo was right - ‘Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience’.
Democrats hate President Trump so much, and by association everyone else who is not a liberal democrat, that they will do anything to unseat him, and by association the rest of the country. Faced with the possibility that democrats might not have enough votes to oust President Trump at the next election, the democrats are trying to change all the rules. This is why they fight for open borders so they will have fresh blood from which they will harvest votes.
Freshman Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley from Massachusetts is proud to sponsor her first piece of legislation. She proposes to lower the voting age to 16 in federal elections. Of course, being a socialist democrat, I am sure she is against voter ID so I’m not sure how we can tell if voters are the right age or not. An associate of mine said it best: “Great. They want to lower the eligible voting age to the period in your life when you are making the worst decisions of your life.” Well said.
Hate has led the bigoted city council of San Antonio to disallow a Chick-fil-A restaurant in their bigoted airport. Schools are banning certain books they find offensive to the left. The left is now anti-American, anti-Christian, and pro-infanticide. Has the emotion of hate altered their cognitive function?
For an example of how hate changes the brain, we look no further than Google. We should all be very familiar with Google’s leftist, socialist stance by now. We should all acknowledge Google’s propensity to censor information and writers of alternative views. If they can’t fairly debate and issue, they censor it. They admit doing so.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before a congressional committee not long ago. I don’t know if he was on drugs or if he is just the biggest liar this side of Obama or maybe the guy has a real mental problem. He said, "I lead this company without political bias and work to ensure that our products continue to operate that way. To do otherwise would go against our core principles and our business interests”. Pichai goes on to say, "We are a company that provides platforms for diverse perspectives and opinions – and we have no shortage of them among our own employees."
Is he trying to be funny? What company is he talking about? Is he delirious on hate?
Mr. Pichai also contends that Google had no plans to offer a ‘censored’ search engine in China. Really? In case Mr. Pichai doesn’t know, Google is working on project ‘Dragonfly’. It is a censored search engine.
Furthering the hilarity, Google states on one of their email privacy pages: “Google was founded on the belief that everything we do should always respect the user. As the Internet evolves, this means continuously advancing our security technologies and privacy tools to help keep you and your family safe online.” I’ll give readers a few minutes to stop laughing at the absurdity of this fallacious statement. Isn’t it Google that sells all of our private information to the NSA and anyone else that wants it for a buck? I wonder if Mr. Pichai even goes to work everyday at Google headquarters? I wonder if maybe he goes to another building, another company, and just thinks he is at Google? Maybe his whole life is an hallucination. Who knows with these deranged leftists?
Lastly, I used google search for the word ‘idiot’. Normally, I would never use google for anything I didn’t have to. I find that the search engine is more aligned with my ideals of liberty. Nevertheless, readers can try this as well and it won’t take them long to find the following image under a google search for ‘idiot’:

Democrats, social media, colleges, and snowflakes should listen to people who have lived under censorship and government oppression.
Liu Xiaobo also had this to say about free speech:
“Free expression is the base of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human rights, to stifle human nature and to suppress truth.”
Don't let hate make you stupid. Think.
Hate of everything they are not spews from democrats daily. Look at the way democrats treat conservatives (assault them in public places), Christians (constant LGBTQ attacks), and President Trump (fake news, lies, and harassment). Democrat behavior rejects intelligence, logic, and truth. They wickedly follow a path to some fantasy utopia in which we all sit around a camp fire and signal our virtues. They invent solutions to problems that don’t exist that call for more taxation. They seek to exercise their free speech to silence and censor those who disagree. They seek to transform the US into a country like the countries from which immigrants flee. They don’t seem to understand that the US is the destination for immigrants fleeing the kind of government the democrats want to establish. Socialism has failed citizens worldwide yet democrats seem hellbent on socializing America. Has hate and TDS made them stupid?
Democrats don’t seem to understand anything real and truthful because they are consumed with hate for all which they are not.
From website: 2016 census data shows that some 10.7 million people living in the US are ‘undocumented’. Where did they come from? Here is a list of the countries in order of the most immigrant country of origination:
Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Honduras, China, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Brazil, South Korea.
What do these countries have in common? Almost all of them are hell-holes created by communist-socialist governments. Isn’t it odd that the democrats want to turn the US into one of these hell-holes by transforming the country into a socialist-communist state while the people that actually live in socialist-communist states want to escape? We question, if President Trump is such a racist and xenophobe, why does the rest of the world want to live under his administration? If capitalism is so bad, why do so many poor people from other parts of the world want to live in the US? If socialism-communism is so good (as the democrats say), why do so many people living in socialist countries want to leave their home and move to the US?
We must ask, does hate begat stupidity?
Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese writer and human rights activist. He was born in 1955 and lived under the brutal oppression of the Chinese communist government. Liu Xiaobo spoke out about political oppression, he spoke up for human dignity, and he condemned government oppression evidenced by the Chinese government’s reaction to protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989. Mr. Liu knew communist oppression. He lived under it. Mr. Liu was imprisoned four times for ‘disturbing the social order’ and ‘suspicion of the subversion of state authority’. He died in prison serving an 11-year sentence for such a ‘crime’ as expressing his opinion. He said this about hate:
“Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience; the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity, and block a nation's progress to freedom and democracy.”
Does this sound like the path the democrats have put the US on right now?
3/23/19: Chief of the ‘President Trump witch hunt’, and the dirtiest of the dirty cops, FBI attorney-framer Robert Mueller has finished his 2-year $30 million dollar waste of tax-payer money ‘Russian collusion’ report and released it to AG Barr. As anyone with a functioning brain cell has known all along, there was no collusion. The witch hunt was hatched, paid for, and promoted by the dirty democrats Obama and Clinton. Mueller has been the FBI’s top framer of innocent citizens for years and he could not find evidence of any wrong-doing on the part of President Trump. I think we can all be confident that collusion did not exist nor could it be ‘manufactured’ by the FBI. We should also conclude that after the wicked left tried with all their might to frame the President, Donald J. Trump must be cleaner than a fresh bar of soap!
At least this kept the FBI and CIA from looking at the other side of the political aisle where the real criminal activity was festering. There is plenty of evidence pointing to illegal activity on the part of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But this isn’t about truth. It never was. This isn’t about justice. It never was. At least half of the US population has joined the cult of imbecilism and no longer embraces the pillars of liberty - truth, fairness, civility, and justice. Hatred has consumed the democrats.
Liu Xiaobo was so right - ‘the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity’.
To understand this pathetic mindset of hatred, we can listen to their mouthpieces. Left wing media parrot Chris Wallace said of the Mueller report: “We don’t want to rush to judgment and I think that since this report has come out, since no one has seen it, to say that somehow this clears the president seems like the height of rushing to judgment.” Really? Would this be the same logic as rushing to judge President Trump’s culpability in a Russian collusion story without a scintilla of evidence that the media has promoted for two years now? How can anybody take people like Chris Wallace seriously? American ‘journalism’ is D-E-A-D.
Former actress and left-wing twit, uh, I mean twitterer Alyssa Milano recently came out as everything (gay, trans, immigrant, black, etc. that she is not) except a caucasian woman (which she is). Seems the poor woman hates herself and her entire ancestry. This hate has left her, apparently, delusional.
Just this past week, three college students at Tulane University tried to burn down another students room because they disagreed with the political ideology of the other student. Readers can guess which students were democrats but it would seem obvious. What was their plan here? If one room in a college dorm burns, won’t the other rooms catch fire as well? Were these three dopes trying to kill a person and everyone else nearby for political beliefs that didn’t align with theirs? And these hate-filled idiots are ‘college’ students?
Liu Xiaobo was right - ‘Hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience’.
Democrats hate President Trump so much, and by association everyone else who is not a liberal democrat, that they will do anything to unseat him, and by association the rest of the country. Faced with the possibility that democrats might not have enough votes to oust President Trump at the next election, the democrats are trying to change all the rules. This is why they fight for open borders so they will have fresh blood from which they will harvest votes.
Freshman Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley from Massachusetts is proud to sponsor her first piece of legislation. She proposes to lower the voting age to 16 in federal elections. Of course, being a socialist democrat, I am sure she is against voter ID so I’m not sure how we can tell if voters are the right age or not. An associate of mine said it best: “Great. They want to lower the eligible voting age to the period in your life when you are making the worst decisions of your life.” Well said.
Hate has led the bigoted city council of San Antonio to disallow a Chick-fil-A restaurant in their bigoted airport. Schools are banning certain books they find offensive to the left. The left is now anti-American, anti-Christian, and pro-infanticide. Has the emotion of hate altered their cognitive function?
For an example of how hate changes the brain, we look no further than Google. We should all be very familiar with Google’s leftist, socialist stance by now. We should all acknowledge Google’s propensity to censor information and writers of alternative views. If they can’t fairly debate and issue, they censor it. They admit doing so.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before a congressional committee not long ago. I don’t know if he was on drugs or if he is just the biggest liar this side of Obama or maybe the guy has a real mental problem. He said, "I lead this company without political bias and work to ensure that our products continue to operate that way. To do otherwise would go against our core principles and our business interests”. Pichai goes on to say, "We are a company that provides platforms for diverse perspectives and opinions – and we have no shortage of them among our own employees."
Is he trying to be funny? What company is he talking about? Is he delirious on hate?
Mr. Pichai also contends that Google had no plans to offer a ‘censored’ search engine in China. Really? In case Mr. Pichai doesn’t know, Google is working on project ‘Dragonfly’. It is a censored search engine.
Furthering the hilarity, Google states on one of their email privacy pages: “Google was founded on the belief that everything we do should always respect the user. As the Internet evolves, this means continuously advancing our security technologies and privacy tools to help keep you and your family safe online.” I’ll give readers a few minutes to stop laughing at the absurdity of this fallacious statement. Isn’t it Google that sells all of our private information to the NSA and anyone else that wants it for a buck? I wonder if Mr. Pichai even goes to work everyday at Google headquarters? I wonder if maybe he goes to another building, another company, and just thinks he is at Google? Maybe his whole life is an hallucination. Who knows with these deranged leftists?
Lastly, I used google search for the word ‘idiot’. Normally, I would never use google for anything I didn’t have to. I find that the search engine is more aligned with my ideals of liberty. Nevertheless, readers can try this as well and it won’t take them long to find the following image under a google search for ‘idiot’:
Democrats, social media, colleges, and snowflakes should listen to people who have lived under censorship and government oppression.
Liu Xiaobo also had this to say about free speech:
“Free expression is the base of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human rights, to stifle human nature and to suppress truth.”
Don't let hate make you stupid. Think.
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